
Love out loud: sending some love to our leaders


Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Michelle Ng

(Global - Acts Osaka)

いつもJFをサポートくれて、ありがとうございます。BenjiとPr. Michelleと一緒に奉仕できて本当にうれしい。 ACTS大阪、頑張ってね〜

By Joanne Wee

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

To: Yap Ben-Ji

(Global - Acts Osaka)

Never could I imagine that one day you would be Pr. Congrats Pr Benji-san! 😃 Keep up the good work that you & Pr Michelle have done in Nihon. Will be keeping both of you in my prayer & thoughts. P.s. I can't wait to see you guys update the coming of your baby into the world 😊

By Adrian Sibuan

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

To: Michelle Ng

(Global - Acts Osaka)

Dear Michelle, Thank YOU so much for being you (and your care, support and sowing)! I learnt a lot from you in SA1 homes and that has built the foundation for me when I went to Nottingham. Though I might be one of the passive ones back then haha :D You are my homes leader, huddles' leader, campus pastor and now church planting in Osaka. Thanks for showing the example of being obedient & generous in our sowing and faithful in our serving. Appreciate the times spent when I needed advice and hearing me out. Grateful for the trust, encouragement and support especially when I find it hard to believe in myself. Really really appreciate you for all that you have done. Keep shining for Jesus and cheering you on! 愛してる 🫶🏻 Hugs & blessings, Yi Xue 💜

By Ngoo Yi Xue

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

To: Michelle Ng

(Global - Acts Osaka)

Your faithfulness and obedience encourages me to keep putting my best foot forward for Jesus, even in and with the little, Pr Mich. You’ve left a profound impact on me and solidified my campus days; for that, thank you. 🩷 He promises to give us His peace, bless us, give us rest and supply all our needs. Declaring for all these as you usher in a new season together with Benji! 👶🏻

BY: Lavinia Koh Ruo Yi

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Yap Ben-Ji

(Global - Acts Osaka)

いつもJFをサポートくれて、ありがとうございます。BenjiとPr. Michelleと一緒に奉仕できて本当にうれしい。 ACTS大阪、頑張ってね〜

By Joanne Wee

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

To: Michelle Ng

(Global - Acts Osaka)

Greetings Michelle, thank you for your genuine and attentive care for people, that reminds us of God's love. I remember meeting you in 2018 when I attended Acts Campus at DVCC for the first time. You extended God's love and kindness to me. Thank you for having a heart that serves wholeheartedly and faithfully. You are god's gift. You are a light and blessing.

By Anne Rita Kiconco

(Global - Acts Gaborone)

To: Yap Ben-Ji

(Global - Acts Osaka)

Acts Osakaに伺いた時本当に嬉しかった。ベンージとミシェルはめちゃ頑張った。Acts Osakaの成長と神様の契約できるようにずっと祈る。イエス様を二人の人生に祝福して、聖霊と神様の力が注いで、そして神様の恵みずっと満たしてください。パーパトマーマになったおめでとう!この親の旅いつも応援するよ。次の大阪に行って二人と赤ちゃんに会えるめちゃ楽しみ! So happy to see the works God is doing through you and Michelle in Acts Osaka! We pray that Jesus will open more doors for you both to reach the people and community in Osaka and may both of you be blessed so abundantly even as you all begin your new journey as parents. Can't wait to see you both and your baby again in Osaka. See you both real soon! with much love, Jon and Mel

By Jonathan Poon

(Global - Acts Singapore)

To: Michelle Ng

(Global - Acts Osaka)

Hi Pr Mich, wanna say thank you for sowing into my campus days when I'm still a freshies who knows nothing and came into the picture to lead after a few months! thank you for bearing with me innocent XD and sometimes my blur sotong as well, truly thankful to come under your guidance during my campus days! wishing you God's best as you and Pr Ben-Ji now sowing into the ground in Osaka! and can't wait to see the 'lil baby boy in the days to come!

By Caitlyn Chang Yen Ming

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

To: Michelle Ng

(Global - Acts Osaka)

ミチェルの通訳することを最高です!本当にたくさん励まられました〜 もっと多くの日本人が神様の愛を体験するようにお祈ります! 頑張って、いつも応援しています! 私たちの友情に感謝しています、また近いうちに大阪で会いましょう! ジョンとメロディー

By Melody Sim

(Global - Acts Singapore)

texture noise



Love out loud: sending some love to our leaders