
Love out loud: sending some love to our leaders


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To: Pr Matthew Chang

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

By Heng Winson

(Global - Acts Singapore)

To:Pr John Lim

(Global - Acts Singapore)

By Heng Winson

(Global - Acts Singapore)

To:Aaron Kumar

(Global - Acts Singapore)

"Aaron - thank you for being such a great leader to Central Homes! Always encouraging me in leading worship and being so supportive, and I am always grateful for how you always accommodate and watch over Elijah, and be so patient with him, from when he was a little boy till now. You truly are an examplary of servanthood leadership! May God continue to bless you in your works for Him!


By Cassie Kok

(Global - Acts Singapore)

To: Michelle Ng

(Global - Acts Osaka)






By Melody Sim

(Global - Acts Singapore)

To:Cheryl Khoo

(Malaysia - Acts Iskandar)

So good to hear many testimonies and God’s good work through Acts Iskandar and its partners! Thank you Cheryl for being one of the first few leaders and friends in Acts who walked with me in my spiritual growth when I joined Acts Singapore way back, taking precious time to have catch ups over meals and encouraging me in my walk with God. You’ve been such a blessing. Cheering you on as you faithfully serve God, alongside Pr Paul. All His goodness and favour may be added unto you, and your household! ❤️

BY: Joan poon

(Global - Acts Singapore)

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To: Pr Kenneth Chin

(Malaysia - Acts Kota Kemuning)

By Heng Winson (Global - Acts Singapore)

To:Gabriel Yap (Global - Acts Singapore)

Hi Gabriel,

Thank you to be my mentor, I really appreciated.

Thank you for set up an example for me to learn.

I know you also go through some hard time. Let us continue pray for each other and encourage each other.

Me and Hannah are always available to help if you and Vivian need any help.

Thanks Again for you Gabriel

By Matthew Lee

(Global - Acts Singapore)

To: Yap Ben-Ji

(Global - Acts Osaka)

"Acts Osakaに伺いた時本当に嬉しかった。ベンージとミシェルはめちゃ頑張った。Acts Osakaの成長と神様の契約できるようにずっと祈る。イエス様を二人の人生に祝福して、聖霊と神様の力が注いで、そして神様の恵みずっと満たしてください。パーパトマーマになったおめでとう!この親の旅いつも応援するよ。次の大阪に行って二人と赤ちゃんに会えるめちゃ楽しみ!

So happy to see the works God is doing through you and Michelle in Acts Osaka! We pray that Jesus will open more doors for you both to reach the people and community in Osaka and may both of you be blessed so abundantly even as you all begin your new journey as parents. Can't wait to see you both and your baby again in Osaka. See you both real soon!

with much love,

Jon and Mel"

By Jonathan Poon

(Global - Acts Singapore)

To: Melissa Tan (Global - Acts Singapore)

"Dear Mel - thank you for always spending time and encouraging me in my walk with God, it is a blessing to have you as my Homes leader and accountability partner, always keeping me on the path that's narrow and straight leading to Christ, and praying for me and my family. May we continue to spur each other on in our walk with God, and grow the Kingdom of God together!


By Cassie Kok (Global - Acts Singapore)

To:Christiana Lim (Global - Acts Singapore)

"Moving to Singapore was a little less scary with your warm welcome! Thank you for involving and inviting us for various dinners (still think of the delicious salmon wellington from time to time), we are so blessed by your friendship!

Much love, Jon and Mel"

By Melody Sim (Global - Acts Singapore)

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To: Aaron Kumar

(Global - Acts Singapore)

By Heng Winson (Global - Acts Singapore)

To: Vivian Jong

(Global - Acts Singapore)

Hi Vivian,

Thank you for be Hannah mentor.

Thank you for your time to listen to her complains and counselor he lead her through the correct way.

I really appreciate that you help Hannah go through alot of hard and down times.

Me and Hannah are always available to help if you and Gabriel need any help.

Thanks Again Vivian

BY Matthew Lee

(Global - Acts Singapore)


To: Shengmei Cai

(Global - Acts Singapore)

By Cassie Kok

(Global - Acts Singapore)

To: Pr John Lim (Global - Acts Singapore)

Thank you so much to you and Joan for welcoming me and Mel into the family in Acts Singapore. It's an honour and privilege to serve God with you all. I pray that God will continue to bless both of your lives and may He continue to lead and guide you as you lead the church. may God's grace, strength and Holy Spirit continue to move in your lives. Looking forward to the plans and works of God in and through Acts Singapore

By Jonathan Poon (Global - Acts Singapore)

To: Eleanor Chua (Global - Acts Singapore)

Thank you for your love and support always! I can always come to you for sound counsel and advice, and trust that you will tell me what I need to hear even though it's tough. It is by your leadership, love and friendship that has helped me in my journey of faith. Thankful for your friendship and your big heart of selflessness. Declaring nothing but God's best upon you!

By Melody Sim (Global - Acts Singapore)

to:Aaron Kumar

(Global - Acts Singapore)

I am grateful to have Aaron, an exceptional leader who mentors me in serving within Homes through chairing, communion, and engaging with newcomers and fellowship. It's inspiring to witness his dedicated care for each homie and his consistent follow-up with them. His actions not only demonstrate leadership with a compassionate and beautiful heart but also reflect a deep commitment to serving the Lord through every act of guidance and support.

By: Max Tan

(Global - Acts Singapore)

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To:Melissa Tan

(Global - Acts Singapore)

By Heng Winson

(Global - Acts Singapore)

To: Pr Dave Yeow

(Global - Acts London)

Hi Pr Dave,

Thank you for inviting Me and Hannah to the unforgettable Christmas hagout we ever had before at your place.

We enjoy our day and we like Ballad so much.

We appreciate that you and Pr Katherine recommended so much good food places to us and make our trip so meaningful.

See you soon

By Matthew Lee

(Global - Acts singapore)

To: Aaron Kumar

(Global - Acts singapore)

Thank you so much bro for your friendship as well as helping me and Mel get settled down in Acts Singapore. We really appreciate the work that you and Mel are doing in serving God. May God continue to bless you both abundantly even as you both serve so faithfully.

By Jonathan Poon

(Global - Acts singapore)

By Cassie Kok

(Global - Acts Singapore)

To: Pr john lim

(Global - Acts singapore)

Hi Pr Dave,

Thank you for inviting Me and Hannah to the unforgettable Christmas hagout we ever had before at your place.

We enjoy our day and we like Ballad so much.

We appreciate that you and Pr Katherine recommended so much good food places to us and make our trip so meaningful.

See you soon

By max tan

(Global - Acts singapore)

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To: Max Tan

(global - acts singapore)

By Heng Winson

(global-acts singapore)

To:Gareth Chong (Global - Acts London)

Hi Gareth,

Thank you for inviting Me and Hannah to the unforgettable Christmas Eve hagout at your place.

We appreciate that you and Karyn recommended so much good food places to us and make our trip so meaningful. See you soon

By Matthew Lee

(Global - Acts Singapore)

To: Peter Yun (Global - Acts singapore)

Thank you so much Peter for looking out for me when I just moved to Singapore. Really appreciated the care and friendship you have given. May God continue to bless you and Debbie abundantly and may God use you both in your workplaces as well as the church. Looking forward to more fun times in Homes.

By jonathan poon (Global - Acts Singapore)

To: Gabriel Yap

(global - acts singapore)

I am thankful for the opportunity to serve alongside Gabriel in the dream team ministry, where his dedication and effort are truly exemplary. Despite more people asking for help from him, Gabriel consistently goes above and beyond. Even when busy, he makes a concerted effort to assist as much as possible, showcasing his unwavering commitment to faithfully serve God in the Acts Singapore church plant. His actions inspire a deep appreciation for the essence of devotion and hard work.

By max tan

(global-acts singapore)

To: Pr Paul Yong (Malaysia - Acts Iskandar)

I cannot praise God enough for Pr Paul for not just having such an obedient heart to plant Acts Iskandar but also preserving from year to year because of his heart for the church. I found my family in Christ in Johor and have grown so much during the time I was there serving while always being supported by the Iskandar family. Thank you so much Pr Paul- may God continue to bless and carry you from strength to strength, glory to glory for Him!

By Meng Yee Fong (Malaysia - Acts Iskandar)

To: Samuel Kong Wei Ren

(Malaysia - Acts iskandar )

Hi SAMMMM! Wanna say a big thank you and appreciate for everything you are doing from Acts Semenyih to Acts Iskandar. Thanks for leading and teaching me for ActsTV and Actstream. Looking forward to come and serve for Revo!

By Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

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To:Emily Soon

(global - acts singapore)

By Heng Winson

(Global - Acts Singapore)

To:Kee Gaik Tong

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

Hey KT, we are so happy to see you growing and serving God so faithfully and trust that God is also bringing you on an amazing journey. Thank you for the friendship and we can't wait for the next time that we can hang out with you again. May God continue to bless you in your work, relationships and also your ministry. Also thank you so much for saying yes to us when we asked if you could help with JF worship. Really appreciated your time and effort. Can't wait for your next Singapore visit. See you soon!

with much love,

Jon and Mel

By Jonathan Poon

(gloal- acts singapore)

To:Pr Paul Yong

(Malaysia - Acts iskandar)

I am grateful for the privilege to serve alongside Pastor Paul and witness his faithfulness in establishing and serving God in the Acts Iskandar church plant. His dedication and steadfast commitment to the ministry, coupled with his efforts in outreach to people in need in Johor Bahru, inspire and encourage all who work with him. Demonstrating the profound impact of persistent faith and service, Pastor Paul exemplifies the true essence of compassionate ministry and the power of extending God's love to those around us.

By Max Tan

(Global - Acts Singapore)

To: Cheryl Khoo (Malaysia - Acts iskandar)

Cheryl is a leader like no other because God has made her special in her ways and special personally to me. She leads by her energy, testimonies and just her heart for God’s people. Thank you Cheryl, and I miss you lots!

BY: Meng Yee Fong

(Malaysia - Acts iskandar)

Hi Zoeee. Really inspired by your serving in Acts Semenyih and Acts Iskandar. Thank you for always being there for me and for teaching me in Actstream. Thanks for being such a great support and love youuu!

By Shekinah Dalayya (Malaysia - Acts semenyih)

To: Zoe Lum

(Malaysia - Acts iskandar)

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To: Hannah Ling

(Global - Acts Singapore)

By Heng Winson

(Global - Acts Singapore)

To: Joanne Wee (Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

Hey Joanne, having the opportunity to both serve in Acts TV and Japanese fellowship with you was really fun. Thank you so much for the friendship all these years Joanne. We were so blessed to see you coordinating the JF and really glad to see everyone growing deeper in friendships and relationship. You did so well Joanne! May God continue to bless you abundantly and may He lead and provide for you in the years to come. Catch up whenever we all are in Kuching!

With much love,

Jon and Mel

By jonathan poon

(global - Acts singapore)

To: Harry Ling Siew Kong (Malaysia - Acts mandarin subang jaya 0800 )

我很幸运能遇到 Harry,这样一位杰出的领导者,在我刚加入 Acts Church 时给予了我关怀和指导。他的温暖、关爱、耐心和支持在鼓励我牢牢扎根于教会并加深我对上帝的理解方面发挥了关键作用。有机会见证他在“Acts Church”中的忠实服务给我带来了深深的启发。他是一位拥有美丽心灵的领导者,通过他,我能够看到并感受到上帝的爱和关怀。这段经历不仅丰富了我的灵性旅程,还向我展示了上帝恩典在我们生活中的具体体现。

I am blessed to have encountered Harry, such a remarkable leader who offered care and guidance when I first joined Acts Church in KL. His warmth, caring nature, patience, and support played a pivotal role in encouraging me to firmly root myself in the church and deepen my understanding of God. The opportunity to witness his faithful service in Acts Church has been profoundly inspiring. He is a leader with a beautiful heart, through whom I have been able to see and feel God's love and care. This experience has not only enriched my spiritual journey but has also shown me the tangible presence of God's grace in our lives.

By max tan

(Global - Acts Singapore)

To: Pr Paul Yong

(Malaysia - Acts iskandar)

Hi Pastor Paul! I was so blessed in Acts Iskandar, and you played a big part in that. I remember our first meet up at the mamak, immediately I felt warmth at a place far from home. Acts Iskandar welcomed me so well it was like I had never left home. Thank you, and Cheryl, for the faithful sowing into the church and lives in Acts Iskandar and for always welcoming us "alumnis" with open arms. Praying for you as you continue to lead Acts Iskandar and be used by God to touch many more lives. Take care.

By Josiah Yang Kai Yi

(Malaysia - Acts bandar utama)

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To: Raina Yap Yong Qi

(Malaysia - Acts Iskandar)

Dear Raina,

What a privilege it has been to see how you've grown from campus to YWA and seeing you serving in Acts Kids to now leading those under your care! Thank YOU so much for being you (and your care, support, trust and sowing)!

Be bold and courageous as you continue to step out in faith to obey the Lord, for He will be with you wherever you go. Excited for what's next for you :) Remember that you can always turn to Him, whether it's mountain top or valley moments.

Let’s build God’s kingdom together, cheering you on! 💪🏻

Love & hugs,

Yi Xue 💜

By Ngoo Yi Xue

(Malaysia - Acts mandarin subang jaya 0800)

To: Samuel Kong Wei Ren

(Global - Acts iskandar)

Hey Sammm, thank you for all that you have done for God and His people. I’m really grateful for you and thank you for trusting me with my role both in church and in the marketplace. I really believe that God’s put us in different places within BIM industry right now is to really achieve “that all may know” quite literally. Praying and declaring that in your days ahead, joy and laughter will continue to spring forth from you just as how it was when you first tasted Jesus’ love. Then also, a happy marriage with Zoe just like how it was when you first fall in love. Love you, God blessed!

BY Lim Pei Wen

(Global - Act semenyih)

To: Samuel Kong Wei Ren

(Malaysia - Acts iskandar)

Hello Sam! Long time no see huh? How have u been? All is well I hope? Anyways just wanna pop in and say thank you for all the things u've done for our little community in acts Semenyih (I guess acts iskandar also now?). From the big things to the little things, we're very grateful to have u as one of our leaders. Also, I personally wanna say thanks for guiding me and helping me when I just converted. As a homes leader, as a leader in ASY and as a friend. So so blessed to have u in my life really. Aww I'm such a crybaby I'm getting teary now can u believe it ahaha. I think u've seen me cry more than my mom LOL. But I'm seriously not kidding thank a lot for your kindness, generosity and most of all for giving us your time. Thanks for all the car rides, for all the meals we had together, all the lessons and talks and all the things in between. Hope we can catch up sometime! I'll let u know if I'm going to Malaysia!

By Cindy Phan

(Malaysia - Acts semenyih)

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To: Pr Letitia Lee

(global - Acts singapore)

Pr Let: single-handedly started Acts Kids - legend

By Heng Winson

(global - Acts singapore)

To: Joan Lim

(global - Acts singapore)

Hey Joan! Just want to say thank you for leading Acts TV Singapore and for your help to get me started on serving with the team. Really appreciate all that you do and looking forward to greater things in 2024

By Jonathan Poon

(Global - Acts singapore)

To: Zoe Lum

(malaysia - acts iskandar)

Hey Zoee!!! Thanks for all that you have done for God and His people. I’m really grateful for you and even being your friend. Praying and declaring that in your days ahead, joy and laughter will continue to spring forth from you just as how it was when you first tasted Jesus’ love. Then also, a happy marriage with Sam just like how it was when you first fall in love. Hallelujah! Amen!!

By Lim Pei Wen

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

To:joan lim (Global - Acts singapore)

Hey Joan! Just want to say thank you for leading Acts TV Singapore and for your help to get me started on serving with the team. Really appreciate all that you do and looking forward to greater things in 2024

By Jonathan Poon

(Global - Acts singapore)

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to zoe lum (Malaysia - Acts iskandar)

Hi Zoe! How r u? All is good I hope? Anyways just wanna pop in and say thank you. Honestly I think we don't say it enough to our leaders but we really appreciate all the things u guys do behind the scenes to make things happen. Thanks for all your hardwork and dedication you put into sowing into our lives and growing our community. Most of all, I wanna say thank you for giving us your time. Thanks for bringing us to Subang for church events, or to community outreach, or even to have meals together so we can spend time together. Thanks for listening to us, thanks for the advice u've given and thanks for just being there with us. So so blessed to have u as our leader and as our friend. All the best for u and Sam in acts iskandar! Miss u lots

By Cindy Phan

(Malaysia - Acts semenyih)

To: Albert Ling

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

Hey Albert! sending some love all the way from Singapore. Thank you so much for all the years of mentoring and leading. Believing that God is using you amazingly in Acts KK. May God continue to bless you, Rachel, Shay and Eli abundantly. Looking forward to the next time that we can meet again. Until then take care bro!

By Jonathan Poon

(Global - Acts Singapore)

To: Pr Sandra Chin

(Malaysia - Acts Kota Kemuning)

Hey Pr San, just want to say thank you for all that you do as well as for supporting the Japanese Fellowship. May God continue to bless you and Pr Ken abundantly as you both lead the church. May His mercy and strength be with you both and looking forward to the future of Acts

with much love,

Jon and Mel

By jonathan poon

(Global - Acts Singapore)

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To: Chan Ming Sheng

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1330)

Hey bro! Thank you so much for the friendship as well as leading Acts TV. May God bless you and Eliza abundantly and may He continue to give you the strength and may God continue to open doors for you in your career and ministry. Looking forward to the next time we can hang out again. Till then take care bro and see you soon!

By jonathan poon

(Global - Acts Singapore)

To:Andrea Wong

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

Hey Andrea, just want to say a big thank you from your ex-homies. Really appreciate the care and work you have given in leading SJ4. may God continue to bless you abundantly and lead you as you also lead others. Let's hang out the next time you're in SG

with much love,

Jon and Mel

By jonathan poon

(Global - Acts Singapore)

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Love out loud: sending some love to our leaders