
Love out loud: sending some love to our leaders

page 14

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To: Gabriel Yap

(Global - Acts Singapore)

I am thankful for the opportunity to serve alongside Gabriel in the dream team ministry, where his dedication and effort are truly exemplary. Despite more people asking for help from him, Gabriel consistently goes above and beyond. Even when busy, he makes a concerted effort to assist as much as possible, showcasing his unwavering commitment to faithfully serve God in the Acts Singapore church plant. His actions inspire a deep appreciation for the essence of devotion and hard work.

BY Max Tan

(Global - Acts Singapore)

To: Pr Paul Yong

(Malaysia - Acts Iskandar)

I am grateful for the privilege to ​serve alongside Pastor Paul and ​witness his faithfulness in ​establishing and serving God in the ​Acts Iskandar church plant. His ​dedication and steadfast ​commitment to the ministry, ​coupled with his efforts in outreach ​to people in need in Johor Bahru, ​inspire and encourage all who ​work with him. Demonstrating the ​profound impact of persistent faith ​and service, Pastor Paul ​exemplifies the true essence of ​compassionate ministry and the ​power of extending God's love to ​those around us.

BY Max Tan

(Global - Acts Singapore)

To: Pr Joel Vijay

(Global - Acts Melbourne)

I am happy to have had ​the opportunity to serve ​with Pastor Joel in Acts ​Melbourne, even it was for ​a brief period. It was a ​blessing to see his faithful ​service to the Lord and his ​genuine care for each ​church partner in Acts ​Melbourne. Pr Joel's ​dedication and heartfelt ​commitment to his ​ministry and church have ​been truly inspiring.

BY Max Tan

(Global - Acts Singapore)

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To: Harry Ling Siew Kong

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin ​Subang Jaya 0800)

我很幸运能遇到 Harry,这样一位​杰出的领导者,在我刚加入 Acts ​Church 时给予了我关怀和指导。​他的温暖、关爱、耐心和支持在鼓​励我牢牢扎根于教会并加深我对上​帝的理解方面发挥了关键作用。有​机会见证他在“Acts Church”中的​忠实服务给我带来了深深的启发。​他是一位拥有美丽心灵的领导者,​通过他,我能够看到并感受到上帝​的爱和关怀。这段经历不仅丰富了​我的灵性旅程,还向我展示了上帝​恩典在我们生活中的具体体现。

I am blessed to have ​encountered Harry, such a ​remarkable leader who offered ​care and guidance when I first ​joined Acts Church in KL.

His warmth, caring nature, patience, and support played a pivotal role in encouraging me to firmly root myself in the church and deepen my understanding of God. The opportunity to witness his faithful service in Acts Church has been profoundly inspiring. He is a leader with a beautiful heart, through whom I have been able to see and feel God's love and care. This experience has not only enriched my spiritual journey but has also shown me the tangible presence of God's grace in our lives.

BY Max Tan

(Global - Acts Singapore)

To: Pr John Soong

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya ​1030)

Hello Pastor John! Just wanted ​to appreciate you for your ​heart and love for people. The ​way you bless and pour your ​heart out is one of a kind. You ​have been monumental in ​leading and grooming me to ​who I am today, for that I am ​grateful. Don't stop doing ​what you do - it makes a ​difference in the lives of many ​people. Young ones are ​blessed and older ones are ​inspired to live a life of legacy ​that is Christlike. Praying with ​and for you in every area of ​your life.

BY Josiah Yang Kai Yi

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

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To: Stephen Kong

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

A good leader

Always ask us not to give up

A good brother in christ

Always have positive vibration ​whenever speaking to you

Thank you for the boost up words ​brother. God bless you!

By Mathivanan (John)

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

To: Benjamin Lee Wen Feng

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

We are grateful of your help in ​the times of our needs, thank ​you for the encouraging ​words, thank you for your ​kindness brother. God bless ​you!

By Mathivanan (John)

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

To: Stephen Kong

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

Dear Pr Stephen, I thank God I only writing this after the email was sent haha. Wanna say a big Thank You for everything you have done and are doing for Acts Semenyih and His Kingdom. Thanks for always being ready to answer the multiple calls and the different things that I brought up. Thank you for leading the church in His perfect will. Thank you for trusting me with the different responsibilities and believing in me. Great days ahead for ASY!

By Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

To: Tan Yean Yu

(Malaysia - Acts Nilai)

Dear Yean Yu, thank you so much for your serving. I really thank God for you and so inspired by you. You are such a blessing and I pray for God's blessings to be upon you. Sending lots of hugs

By Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

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To: Adeline Lim

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

Thank you Adeline for faithfully ​serving in Acts PJ and the YWA ​ministry 😃 Jia you! Let's continue ​to run this race of faith with ​perseverance and His love.

By Adrian Sibuan

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

To: Adrian Yong

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

Thank you for faithfully ​serving in Host ministry & Acts ​PJ 😃. You're one of the 1st ​people I've known in church ​through our PG group ​(dinosaur years) 😆 Let's keep ​running the race and never ​grow cold in our love for Him

By Adrian Sibuan

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

To: Daniel Ngwenya

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

You have been faithfully serving since the time i've know you when you'restill studying! Keep up the good work bro! 😃 Look forward to more hangout, makan and grow fatter (in spirit) together!

By Adrian Sibuan

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

To: pr sandra chin

(Malaysia - Acts Kota Kemuning)

Thank you for your big heart to ​Acts Church. You have impacted ​many lives including mine.

By Calise

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

To: Foong You Sheng

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

Thank you for faithfully serving in ​Acts PJ. I am proud of you that you ​take charge of the book hangout ​and now doing it alone for next ​one. Looking forward for more ​yumcha and grow fatter (in spirit) ​together 😃

By Adrian Sibuan

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

To: Dr Jason Ng

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

I have seen you grown mature ​since you came to Acts (dinosaur ​ages ago)! Thank you for serving ​faithfully despite juggling with ​work, life etc. 😃 Ps... call me if you ​need a fishing buddy to catch ​your Koi 😆

By Adrian Sibuan

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

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To: Laura Yee

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

Thank you for being our awesome homes leader!! ❤️ You are always ready to listen, extend your support, took time to prepare for homes and made sure we are well fed 😄 Thank you for your time, effort and love for all of us!!

Kenny & I are truly blessed being part of KG3 🥰

By Ashly Tan

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

To: Jason Martin

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

Thank you Jason for leading acts klang so successfully and with such passion! May God continue to make your path straight. Cheers

By Chris Tan

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

To: Pr Paul Yong

(Malaysia - Acts Iskandar)

Hi Pastor Paul! I was so blessed in Acts Iskandar, and you played a big part in that. I remember our first meet up at the mamak, immediately I felt warmth at a place far from home. Acts Iskandar welcomed me so well it was like I had never left home. Thank you, and Cheryl, for the faithful sowing into the church and lives in Acts Iskandar and for always welcoming us "alumnis" with open arms. Praying for you as you continue to lead Acts Iskandar and be used by God to touch many more lives. Take care.

By Josiah Yang Kai Yi

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

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To: Adrian Sibuan

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

Dear Adrian,

Thank you for sowing into the church and loving the people! You're such a big support to Acts BU and PJ06 Homes! I'm inspired by your faithfulness, willing heart and meekness, and how you're so patient and caring towards those that usually would've slipped through the cracks. Your sowing will definitely not be in vain.

Thank you also for the friendship and brotherhood bro! Looking forward to more precious moments with you!

By Steven Soon Soo Onn

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

To: Jenice Yap

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

Dear Jen,

I am so, so amazed by your heart for ​young families and mothers. I am ​constantly learning from you on how to ​care and love these people. Thank you ​for sowing into these families and also ​through Acts Kids, their children. I ​thank God that your sowing has already ​seen much fruit in these kids, but I'm ​confident that this is just the tip of the ​iceberg and the impact will be even ​more significant when they grow up!

Appreciate you and our friendship Jen! ​It's been a joy going on this journey ​with you, Jon and now lil Isaiah! Here's ​to more amazing moments in the ​coming days!

By Steven Soon Soo Onn

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

To: Jonathan Cheong

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

Dear Jon,

I am thankful to have gotten to ​know you since Acts BU started 1.5 ​years ago. You've been such a ​blessing to me! I'm inspired and ​encouraged by your faith and ​resilience in the face of difficulties, ​and also your faithfulness and ​obedience towards God. I have ​much to learn from you!

Thank you for the friendship and ​camaraderie. Looking forward to ​many more amazing moments ​together.

Appreciate you bro!!

By Steven Soon Soo Onn

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

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To: Josiah Yang Kai Yi

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

Dear Jo,

You've been such an amazing ​brother and friend to me. Your ​gentleness, faithfulness and heart ​for people inspires me so, so ​much! I'm really touched every ​time you check up on me, and ​also when you ask if there's ​anything you can help me with. ​You remind me that I'm not alone, ​and I'm so thankful for that!

I really appreciate our friendship ​and brotherhood bro! I'm looking ​forward to many more ​meaningful conversations, ​moments and milestones ​together!

By Steven Soon Soo Onn

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

To: Sharon Tin Sing Chie

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

Hi Sharon!

Wanna drop an appreciation ​message here to say I'm thankful ​for all that you're doing for God ​and for the church! I'm inspired by ​your heart for people, especially on ​the way you care for the ladies in ​Acts BU and in your Homes! It's ​amazing to see how you ​constantly take on steps of faith ​and obedience towards the Lord, ​and how He has led you from ​strength to strength, glory to ​glory.

Cheering you on Sharon! Your ​sowing is not in vain and many ​lives will surely be impacted by ​your ministry!

By Steven Soon Soo Onn

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

To: Ir Vincent Aw

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

Thank you Vincent for leading ​KG04 and being such a patient ​leader. May God continue to bless ​you and your family.

By Chris Tan

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

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To: Wesley Liaw Choon Sian

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

Hi brooo!

It's been nothing short of amazing to ​bear witness of your journey in faith ​and with God the past 2 years. Thank ​you for the opportunity to be a part of ​that! I'm inspired by your humility, ​honesty and openness, and these are ​qualities that I strive to grow in, ​having you as an example!

It has not been easy navigating ​different things, but seeing how ​resilient you are encourages me to ​also fight on in my faith.

Appreciate this friendship and ​brotherhood Wesley!! Excited to ​experience more of what God has in ​store together with you!

By Steven Soon Soo Onn

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

To: Josephine Chay Sook Ching

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)


Since the first day BU started and you stepped into this plant, your love and care have been so evidently felt by everyone, including me! I am constantly moved and touched by how you always look out for me. No words can describe how comforted I feel every time you tell me that you just prayed for me. You have no idea how much it means to me!!

I'm also inspired by your courage and faith in stepping up to God's plans for you. You constantly overcome fear and step out of your comfort zone, just to be obedient to God. I'm blown away!

I appreciate you Jo! Thanks for always being there for me, for the church. It's been amazing serving alongside you and I look forward to many more amazing moments in the coming days!!

By Steven Soon Soo Onn

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

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Love out loud: sending some love to our leaders