
Love out loud: sending some love to our leaders

page 13

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Eld Dr Jill Ling

(Malaysia - Acts cyberjaya)

Hi Elder!! Wanna appreciate you for everything you are doing in the different ministries, in Acts Cyberjaya and even for LiNets. Thank you for your guidance and prayer even when I needed your help. Really inspired by you!

By Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts semenyih)

To: Chan Ee Laine

(Malaysia - Acts cyberjaya)

By Andrew & Olivia Hong

(Malaysia - Acts cyberjaya)

To: Felicia Koh Ruo Qian

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

Dearest Felicia, So so grateful to have met you. You are God’s gracious blessing for my campus years. Thank you for being so patient with all my shortcomings and for speaking timely words of advice and encouragement whenever I needed them (most accompanied by tears but you don’t know that haha). You always remind me of God’s faithfulness, His character and His love, through your own journey and when you pour into my life. What a privilege it is to be your huddie and friend. Thank you and love you, from the bottom of my heart ❤️ P.S. Go show her bakery some love @bythetree.my on IG 👩🏻‍🍳 (Memory photo is from Aug 2020)

By Favorie Kwan Ee Yan

(Malaysia - Acts Subang jaya 1030)

To: Samuel Kong Wei Ren

(malaysia - acts iskandar)

Hi SAMMMM! Wanna say a big thank you and appreciate for everything you are doing from Acts Semenyih to Acts Iskandar. Thanks for leading and teaching me for ActsTV and Actstream. Looking forward to come and serve for Revo!

By Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts semenyih)

To: Dr Irene Lau

(Malaysia - Acts seri kembangan)

Hi Dr Irene! Thank you so much for investing your time and effort to help us grow in God and connect deeper with Him. I just want you to know that your life is truly an inspiration to the people around you. It’s not easy to juggle between work and church ministry but you still did it, and you do it with such enthusiasm and passion that you’re always radiating so much joy and positive energy. Thank you for leading Acts SK! I pray that God will bless the works of your hands and that whatever you put your hands to will prosper! 🙌

By ng mei ling

(Malaysia - Acts seri kembangan)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Yap Ben-Ji

(global - acts osaka)

Acts Osakaに伺いた時本当に嬉しかった。ベンージとミシェルはめちゃ頑張った。Acts Osakaの成長と神様の契約できるようにずっと祈る。イエス様を二人の人生に祝福して、聖霊と神様の力が注いで、そして神様の恵みずっと満たしてください。パーパトマーマになったおめでとう!この親の旅いつも応援するよ。次の大阪に行って二人と赤ちゃんに会えるめちゃ楽しみ! So happy to see the works God is doing through you and Michelle in Acts Osaka! We pray that Jesus will open more doors for you both to reach the people and community in Osaka and may both of you be blessed so abundantly even as you all begin your new journey as parents. Can't wait to see you both and your baby again in Osaka. See you both real soon!

with much love, Jon and Mel

By Jonathan Poon

(global - acts singapore)

To: Peter Yun

(global - acts singapore)

Thank you so much Peter for looking out for me when I just moved to Singapore. Really appreciated the care and friendship you have given. May God continue to bless you and Debbie abundantly and may God use you both in your workplaces as well as the church. Looking forward to more fun times in Homes.

By jonathan poon

(global - acts singapore)

To: Christine Cheah Sim Imm

(malaysia - acts cyberjaya)

By Andrew & Olivia Hong

(Malaysia - Acts cyberjaya)

To: Celyn Yong

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

Dear Celyn Yong, Our shared experience journeying through two different worlds under the guidance of one God has been amazing! God's goodness shines through His purpose and plan for us to work together in growing the Deaf community. I admire your concern and determination in figuring out how best to support the Deaf community, despite being relatively new to it. Your commitment to consulting the Deaf community before taking action shows your genuine care for their well-being. Not only are you dedicated to the Deaf community, but you are also a valuable ally in our collaborative efforts. I understand that sometimes you may feel guilty about past actions, but it's all part of the learning process. I believe that God will continue to guide you along the right path, and it brings me joy to see and work alongside you! Let's continue to share the Good News with even more enthusiasm and reach more souls within the Deaf community! Yahooo.... Yahoo...

With love, Sister Daphne Eng

By Daphne Eng

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: pr john lim

(global - acts singapore)

Thank you so much to you and Joan for welcoming me and Mel into the family in Acts Singapore. It's an honour and privilege to serve God with you all. I pray that God will continue to bless both of your lives and may He continue to lead and guide you as you lead the church. may God's grace, strength and Holy Spirit continue to move in your lives. Looking forward to the plans and works of God in and through Acts Singapore

By jonathan poon

(global - acts singapore)

to: Albert Ling

(malaysia - acts kota kemuning)

Hey Albert! sending some love all the way from Singapore. Thank you so much for all the years of mentoring and leading. Believing that God is using you amazingly in Acts KK. May God continue to bless you, Rachel, Shay and Eli abundantly. Looking forward to the next time that we can meet again. Until then take care bro!

By jonathan poon

(global - acts singapore)

To: Sudharsun Paul David

(Malaysia - Acts cyberjaya)

By Andrew & Olivia Hong

(Malaysia - Acts cyberjaya)

To: Theresa Chin Pik Yoon

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

Dear Theresa Chin, I appreciate your commitment and patience in interpreting for the Deaf Community, especially during times when interpreters are lacking. I understand that you may feel frustrated by your heavy workload, even though you genuinely care about the Deaf Community during challenging times. Remember not to feel overwhelmed when you're tired and stressed, as God is always there to support you during personal struggles. Words cannot express how grateful I am for your interpreting services. It feels like I have a thousand or even a million messages of gratitude for you, straight from my heart. Since joining Acts Church, I have truly enjoyed working with you. :) Love you dearly...

Love, Sister Daphne Eng

By Daphne Eng

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

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To: Kee Gaik Tong

(malaysia - acts mandarin subang jaya 0800)

Hey KT, we are so happy to see you growing and serving God so faithfully and trust that God is also bringing you on an amazing journey. Thank you for the friendship and we can't wait for the next time that we can hang out with you again. May God continue to bless you in your work, relationships and also your ministry. Also thank you so much for saying yes to us when we asked if you could help with JF worship. Really appreciated your time and effort. Can't wait for your next Singapore visit. See you soon!

with much love, Jon and Mel

By jonathan poon

(global - acts singapore)

to: Pr Sandra Chin

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

Hey Pr San, just want to say thank you for all that you do as well as for supporting the Japanese Fellowship. May God continue to bless you and Pr Ken abundantly as you both lead the church. May His mercy and strength be with you both and looking forward to the future of Acts

with much love, Jon and Mel

By jonathan poon

(global - acts singapore)

to: Ching Sue Jyie (Priscilla)(Malaysia - Acts cyberjaya)

By Andrew & Olivia Hong

(Malaysia - Acts cyberjaya)

To: Joanne Wee

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

Hey Joanne, having the opportunity to both serve in Acts TV and Japanese fellowship with you was really fun. Thank you so much for the friendship all these years Joanne. We were so blessed to see you coordinating the JF and really glad to see everyone growing deeper in friendships and relationship. You did so well Joanne! May God continue to bless you abundantly and may He lead and provide for you in the years to come. Catch up whenever we all are in Kuching!

With much love, Jon and Mel

By jonathan poon

(malaysia - acts mandarin subang jaya 0800)

To: zoe lum

(malaysia - acts iskandar)

Hi Zoeee. Really inspired by your serving in Acts Semenyih and Acts Iskandar. Thank you for always being there for me and for teaching me in Actstream. Thanks for being such a great support and love youuu!

By Shekinah Dalayya

(malaysia - acts semenyih)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Aris & Katherine Salcedo

(Malaysia - Acts cyberjaya)

By Andrew & Olivia Hong

(Malaysia - Acts cyberjaya)

To: Chan Ming Sheng

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1330)

Hey bro! Thank you so much for the friendship as well as leading Acts TV. May God bless you and Eliza abundantly and may He continue to give you the strength and may God continue to open doors for you in your career and ministry. Looking forward to the next time we can hang out again. Till then take care bro and see you soon!

By jonathan poon

(global - acts singapore)

To: Metched Briones Cutad

(Malaysia - Acts seri kembangan)

Hi Metched! You’re one of the first few people I’ve met when I first joined Acts and it’s really inspiring to see how God has used you so mightily at such a young age to serve Him, from leading worship to leading homes and then the church! Thank you for your warm hospitality and constant encouragement since day one! I pray that God’s strength, guidance, and wisdom will always be with you as you continue to serve Him faithfully! :)

By ng mei ling

(Malaysia - Acts seri kembangan)

To: Andrea wong

(malaysia - acts subang jaya 1030)

Hey Andrea, just want to say a big thank you from your ex-homies. Really appreciate the care and work you have given in leading SJ4. may God continue to bless you abundantly and lead you as you also lead others. Let's hang out the next time you're in SG

with much love, Jon and Mel

BY Jonathan Poon

(global - acts singapore)

By jasmine ng

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

To: Rachelle Wong

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

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To: pr julian saw

(Malaysia - Acts klang)

Hi Pr Julian. Wanna say a big thank you for leading Actstream! Really inspired by your heart of worship and for everything you doing for Actstream. Thank you

By Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts semenyih)

To: Arjay & Nina Dominguiano

(Malaysia - Acts cyberjaya)

By Andrew & Olivia Hong

(Malaysia - Acts cyberjaya)

To: Ching Sue Jyie (Priscilla)

(Malaysia - Acts cyberjaya)

Hi Prissss. Thank you so much for being such a great leader and such a great person. It has been such a privilege to serve with you in the campus core team. You are such an inspiration for whatever you are doing in Acts Cyberjaya and even in your career. Thanks for being so passionate and looking forward to serving God alongside you more!

By Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts semenyih)

To: albert ling

(malaysia - acts kota kemuning)

Hi Albert. Wanna send an appreciation for everything you do in your ministry. Thank you for everything! So inspired by you!

By Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts semenyih)

To: melissa tan

(global - acts singapore))

Dear Mel - thank you for always spending time and encouraging me in my walk with God, it is a blessing to have you as my Homes leader and accountability partner, always keeping me on the path that's narrow and straight leading to Christ, and praying for me and my family. May we continue to spur each other on in our walk with God, and grow the Kingdom of God together!


By cassie kok

(global - acts singapore)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Benjamin Lee Wen Feng

(malaysia - acts semenyih)

Hey Ben~, having been able to hear your convictions about serving the Lord and His people is really inspiring. The radical O.U.G. was really a blessing to so many around you. I believe that God will continue to multiply your talents and hearts to accomplish the great work He wanna do for this earth through you. Thank you for your faithfulness and sowing into His Kingdom. We are all in this together! Jia you!!!

By lim pei wen

(malaysia - acts semenyih)

to: Samantha Sophia Woon U-Mei

(malaysia - acts semenyih)

Hey Sam! Thanks for your faithfulness towards God and His church despite of the season you are in right now. I really believe that this is just the beginning of God’s great work in you and your family’s life. Let’s continue to press on and believing that Heaven rules nevertheless, He got your back! Cheering you on! Jia you!!

By lim pei wen

(global - acts semenyih)

To: clarissa tan

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

By jasmine ng

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

To: ooi wei beng

(Malaysia - Acts semenyih)

Hey Beng! Thanks for still giving your best and making time to serve God and His people even as you now have a different lifestyle both at work and at relationship to cope with. Not sure how you made it but it is definitely encouraging. Praying that God will continue to lead you being the change in your marketplace and elsewhere, that all your colleagues and love ones may know that He is Lord!

By lim pei wen

(Malaysia - Acts semenyih)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Eld Ang Peng Hoe

(Malaysia - acts subang Jaya 1030)

Thank you Elder Peng Hoe for being my spiritual counselor & friend in time of need especially over the past one year of my hardship & emotional breakdown. You have always been guiding me in stepping-up my faith to trust in God. To grow in faith has never been easy for me as it is frequently being challenged by the endurance of hardship. But through you, I got the opportunity to learn guitar in Acts Church. Now, I’m grateful that I could play some songs to praise & worship Him in my quiet time. Prayer & worship are my tools now to draw me closer to Him & to find peace in Him even in my very most difficult times. I’m thankful to God for His mercy & grace over my life & having you to embrace this journey with me. Thank you Elder Peng Hoe. May God bless you & your family abundantly.

By Lim Cherk Teing

(Malaysia - acts Subang Jaya 1030)

to: Eric & Cheryl

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

Hi Cheric! 😃 Thank God, I known you closer when you decided to root down and choose to be part of Acts BU family. Your presence and values definitely has lit up the environment and people around including myself. Keep it up and may God continue to bless your family!

By Adrian sibuan

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

To: Juliana Jong Li Hua

(Malaysia - acts Seri Kembangan)

hellaur juliana jong ;) makseh sebab selalu jaga kmkorang di gereja dan dj luar gereja, sebab selalu check mun kmkorang okay ka sik. makseh juak for the uplifting words ah gitu especially bila kau pun going through life. Aku appreciate conversations lam keta after prayer service sebab bukan salu dapat one-on-one ngan kau hehe sayang kitak!!

By Sophia Sim Yan Yee

(Malaysia - acts Seri Kembangan)

To: Josiah Yang Kai Yi

(Malaysia - acts Bandar Utama)

Hi Jo 😃 I think I've known you better when you decided to root down in Acts BU. Thank you for choosing to be part of the family. You're God send. Continue to be a blessing and encourager to the people around.

By Adrian Sibuan

(Malaysia - acts Bandar Utama)

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Love out loud: sending some love to our leaders