
Love out loud: sending some love to our leaders

page 21

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Cherlyn Ng

(Malaysia - Acts Cheras)

Dearest Cherlyn,

Thank you for being a wonderful blessing to me and Acts Cheras :) It’s been a joy and privilege to journey with you, seeing you grow from strength to strength and confidence. Love your heart of excellence that you sow into God’s house and His people. Thank you for being a great support to me, especially in this season.

Love you and cheering you 💕

Lots of love,

Pr Glo

By Gloria Sivakumaran

(Malaysia - Acts Cheras)

To: Sing Sook Leng

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1330)

You are my biggest encourager and I thank God everyday for you. I am so blessed by your leadership and also your friendship. And you serve so quietly and without pretences. Like how you would boil soup and cook a meal and bring it to your homies who are unwell or feeling down. Your thoughtful homemade gifts. How you put so much passion into preparing for our missions trip to Kahang and last year to the orphanage. Your entrepreneurship. Stepping into the unknown. I am amazed by u.

By Jessica Lim

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1330)

To: Eveline Ha

(Malaysia - Acts Cheras)

Dearest Eveline, thank you for being a great blessing to me and Acts Cheras. It’s been a joy and blessing to see you grow with confidence in your faith and to step up to do all that God has called you to do. Appreciate all that you do and cheering you on.

Lots of love, Pr Glo ♥️

By Gloria Sivakumaran

(Malaysia - Acts Cheras)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Nathaneal Wong

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1330)

Nat nattie nattie boy. What I appreciate about you is that you are just you la. You never try to pretend to be someone you're not. Down to earth, chap fan loving, practical, says what's on his mind. Its been a joy this year to see you grow into your new role as husband. You're doing so well. Proud of you and cheering you on.

By Jessica lim

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1330)

To: Toh Wei Ning

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1330)

Everyone will start their LOL message to you saying what a superwoman you are. Which is true. But I wanna acknowledge how REAL you are. Real about faith. Real about lifes struggles. Real about how we fail all the time but also Real about how we pick ourselves up and keep going. I can keep going because of Real people like you. Love u much toh wei ning

By Jessica Lim

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1330)

To: Goh Loke Chin (JJ)

(Malaysia - Acts Cheras)

Dearest JJ, thank you for being a blessing to me and Acts Cheras. Appreciate all that you do and your heart to give your best. It’s been a joy growing with you. Cheering you on as you continue to trust God to take you through each day and strengthen you with His love.

Lots of love, Pr Glo ♥️

p.s- we need to take more pictures together:)

By Gloria Sivakumaran

(Malaysia - Acts Cheras)

To: Lee Ee Wei

(Malaysia - Acts Cheras)

Dearest Ee Wei,

Thank you for being a blessing to me and Acts Cheras. Thank you for serving faithful and giving your best even when it’s tough:) God bless your heart abundantly and continue to take you through each season of your life.

Cheering you on always:)

Lots of love, Pr Glo ♥️

By Gloria Sivakumaran

(Malaysia - Acts Cheras)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Pr John Lim

(Global - Acts Singapore)

To: Richard Ha Rong Heng

(Malaysia - Acts Cheras)

Dearest Richard,

Thank you for being a blessing to me and Acts Cheras. I am blessed listening to your testimony on your encounter with God and a joy to see you take that step of faith to trust Him and answer the call to serve Him. You have the ability to build connections and help others, especially the calling to reach the youth. Thank you for sowing into their lives. Cheering you on as you continue to pursue all that God has called you to do.

Lots of love, Pr Glo♥️

By Heng Winson

(Global - Acts Singapore)

By Gloria Sivakumaran

(Malaysia - Acts Cheras)

To: Nam-Zhye Lakthong (Nicholas)

(Malaysia - Acts Cheras)

Dearest Nic,

Thank you for being a blessing to me and Acts Cheras. Thank you for doing all that do you for the church and sowing into lives, appreciate your heart. It’s been a joy to see you grow in your faith. Cheering you on as you continue to pursue all that God has called you to do.

Lots of love,

Pr Glo ♥️

By Gloria Sivakumaran

(Malaysia - Acts Cheras)

To: Sam Jo Lene

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1330)

You said a few times this year, in despair, that 'this is your lot in life'. The sadness and the struggle was/is real. I know it is. But you know what's also real. Your tenacity, your resilience, your fierce belief that God is somehow still good no matter what. You are a beautiful soul. You're rooted deep in God. God will not change. He loves u so much. I Love you so much, proud of you like mad.

By Jessica Lim

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1330)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Ong Chye Hong

(Malaysia - Acts Cheras)

Dearest aunty Chye Hong,

Thank you for being a blessing to me and Acts Cheras. Thank you for praying with us to see Acts Kids start and grow in Cheras and for sowing into our little ones faithfully. Love your heart of excellence for the church and His people. And thank you for being a great encouragement:)

Cheering you on as you continue to pursue all that God has called you to do! Lots of love, Pr Glo ♥️

By Gloria Sivakumaran

(Malaysia - Acts Cheras)

To: Dawn Chua Ren Xi

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

Hey Dawn, Never thought we would be in the same homes when I first know you in campus, what a journey it has been. Thank YOU for all your care, effort, support and sowing! Many are blessed by your life :) Wanna let you know that you’re incredibly talented, your talents have the power to inspire others and make a positive impact on the lives of those around you. Keep shining for Jesus! Let's build God's kingdom together, cheering you on! Love & hugs, Yi Xue

BY Ngoo Yi Xue

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

To: ⁠Ngun Tial

(Global - Acts Myanmar)

By Pr Samuel Tin Hre Lian

(Global - Acts Myanmar)

To: Grace Chan

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

Sis Grace Chan is a very compassionate person and willing to extend her help to others in times of need. She is a very caring person and shows concern especially to those who are sick. She is very positive and encourages us mostly with bible verses.

By Susan Siew Wai Ling

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: ⁠Pr Khin Mawng Htay

(Global - Acts Myanmar)

By Pr Samuel Tin Hre Lian

(Global - Acts Myanmar)

To: Elaine Pong

(Malaysia - Acts Cheras)

A super great friend in christ indeed. Gave me a lot of encouraging words along my Christian walk and my children too.

Now they have buffet club every makan time.

By Pang Tzeeling

(Malaysia - Acts Cheras)

To: ⁠ Pr Samuel Tin Hre Lian

(Global - Acts Myanmar)

By Pr Samuel Tin Hre Lian

(Global - Acts Myanmar)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Pr Gloria Paul

(Malaysia - Acts Cheras)

She who helps me see a clear path towards GOD in my most down time and whenever I want to give in again.

She encouraged me to stay disciplined, flowing GOD. No one has done that to me in my past walk with GOD. I m blessed. She helped me choose to walk out of me misery and walk the way GOD wants for me and that I am reborn.

By Pang Tzeeling

(Malaysia - Acts Cheras)

To: Chew Seh Ping (Violet)

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

Sis Violet Chew is a very compassionate person and willing to extend her help to others in times of need. She is a very caring person and shows concern especially to those who are sick. She is very positive and encourages us mostly with bible verses.

By Susan Siew Wai Ling

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

To:⁠Khin Thet Thet Oo

(Global - Acts Myanmar)

By Pr Samuel Tin Hre Lian

(Global - Acts Myanmar)

To: Alexaander Martin

(Malaysia - Acts Ampang)

Dear Alex, thank you for being such an inspiration to so many of us. You are really next level faithful and I pray that God will bless the works of your hand and use your talents to reach many more souls!

By John Soong

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

To:Christabelle Yap

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

Keep giving that cheerful smile, Swap duty buddy! 👍

By Johnny Tai

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

To: Pr Frans Hutajulu

(Global - Acts Bekasi)

Pak Frans, terima kasih atas kata-kata semangat yang diberi sepanjang tempoh masa saya di Bekasi. Terutamanya selepas perkongsian kesaksian saya. Sepanjang misi, saya rasa amat kecil, bagaimana saya boleh menyumbang. Selepas kata-kata Pak Frans itu, saya dapati bahawa walau kesaksian kecil mana pun harus dikongsi kerana ia dapat menyentuh hati. Tuhan berkati Pak Frans.

By Fidelia Margaret Francis

(Malaysia - Acts Seri Kembangan)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Pr Samuel Tin Hre Lian

(Global - Acts Myanmar)

By Pr Samuel Tin Hre Lian

(Global - Acts Myanmar)

To: Joshua Chu Soon Qin

(Malaysia - Acts Ampang)

Teacher Josh! You are my inspirasi! So happy to see where you are right now. God was really testing your faith to Him sia.. I would have given up and took the short cut HAHA

Xxn being faithful to Him and God really see all your sowing of tears. <3

By John Soong

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

To: Pr Kenneth Chin

(Malaysia - Acts Kota Kemuning)

1. Pastor Kenneth is a leader with great charisma.

2. Pastor is very lively and humorous person

3. I am always very blessed and encouraged by Pastor Kenneth's sermon.

By Susan Siew Wai Ling

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Celina Tan

(Malaysia - Acts Ampang)

Dear Celina, idk how you can lead so many unique individuals HAHAH But seriously, only you can do what you do. GBU XXN

By John Soong

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

To: Jonathan Hii

(Malaysia - Acts Ampang)

Dear Jon, Im always inspired by your faithfulness. Watched you since CAL days and God really transformed our lives fr the inside out. So happy to see you having your own family. Thank you for being faithful and may the Lord bless you & your family abundantly!

By John Soong

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

To: Refer All Ministers

(Global - Acts Myanmar)

By Pr Samuel Tin Hre Lian

(Global - Acts Myanmar)

To: Juliana Jong Li Hua

(Malaysia - Acts Seri Kembangan)

Hey, Jj! Thank you for being someone I can always go to when in doubt or in need. Despite being a bit shy in Acts, I'm always ready to share things with you because of that level of comfort you give. Thanks for constantly reaching out and making me finally say yes to having a mentor after months of hesitation. And most importantly, that word of encouragement to go for missions; never would have taken that leap of faith, otherwise. May you never give up in this journey but only grow stronger and touch the lives of many more out there, Jj. God bless you.

By Fidelia Margaret Francis

(Malaysia - Acts Seri Kembangan)



Love out loud: sending some love to our leaders