
Love out loud: sending some love to our leaders

page 25

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Daniel Chee Kar Hoe

(malaysia - acts subang jaya 1030)

Thank you Daniel for the friendship & mentorship. It was not by accident nor by luck but by His great planning before us that He created an opportunity for us to know one another in last year AMD. Since then, apart from my life journey, you have also been giving me many advices on business related matters. Importantly, you have had taught me well to apply His ways to manage all things. Pray & wait patiently for His perfect timing on His deliverance. Thank you Daniel for everything. May God bless you & your family abundantly.

By Lim Cherk Teing

(malaysia - acts subang jaya 1030)

to: wong ya ling

(malaysia - acts mandarin subang jaya 0800)

在这里说个真心话,毕竟我在 Acts 也那么多年,你这几年的成长真的特别多!也越来越有女人味噢。继续保持这个方向就对了哈哈。愿神大大的祝福你,呵护你,保护你,你所求的一样也不缺乏!感恩有你 :)

By chia pek fann

(malaysia - acts mandarin subang jaya 0800)

To: joan wong

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

By jasmine ng

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

To: jessica chan

(Malaysia - Acts pj)

HELLO JESS!! thank you for being a great friend & huddle leader ❤️ Every conversation we’ve had is always so encouraging and fruitful to me. I thank God for every meet up we have because I always get to be real and be honest with my thoughts and opinions. Thank you for always encouraging me and correcting me when needed hahah I really appreciate how you are able to help me see things from a different view, from God’s view in everything that I do and in every situation that I am in. Thank you thank you ❤️

By Sophia Sim Yan Yee

(Malaysia - Acts seri kembangan)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: eleanor chua

(Malaysia - acts subang jaya 1o30)

Dear Ellie, You've been so welcoming and a beacon of support for me. I'll always remember when you sat beside me during AYC and comforted while I cried. You are a real blessing to the people in your life, and I thank God every day for a friend and leader like you. May God continue to pour out His blessings on you, and may you continue to bless others in turn.

With much love, Serene

By serene soon

(Malaysia - acts Subang jaya 1030)

To: Pr Steven Soon Soo Onn

(malaysia - acts bandar utama)

The things that you do...spending time in the community, mentoring other people, building the House... only our good Lord will be able to repay and bless you back. As you continue to be obedient to His calling, He will protect your family and loved ones. And fight on your behalf.

By Adrian Sibuan

(malaysia - acts bandar utama)

to: Chandreshan Ravichandren

(Malaysia - Acts seri kembangan)

By jasmine Ng

(Malaysia - Acts Kota Kemuning)

To: elisha lim

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

By rachel ng

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

To: jonathan cheong

(Malaysia - Acts bandar utama)

Thank you for sowing into His house and is good to see you being in the same community as myself. I pray that you continue be a great father that will lead your family to always put their relationship and trust in Him first.

By Adrian Sibuan

(Malaysia - Acts bandar utama)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Metched Briones Cutad

(Malaysia - Acts seri kembangan)

By jasmine ng

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

To: olivia koon

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

By rachel ng

(malaysia - acts kota kemuning)

To: Jason Soon Kean Boon

(Malaysia - Acts subang jaya 1030)

Dear Jason, Thank you for being such a wonderful leader in Actspresso. I've always felt at home when serving with the team because of your kindness. The encouragement you provide never fails to rejuvenate me, and you always make sure that our mistakes don't get us down, but rather that we learn from them. God sees your commitment and all that you give, and I know that He is pleased. May He continue to pour out blessings onto you, and may you continue to bless others in turn.

With much love, Serene

By serene soon

(Malaysia - acts subang jaya 1030)

To: jenice yap

(malaysia - acts bandar utama)

Thank you Jen for sowing into His house and especially our children ministry! I know that He knows all your needs but despite of all this, you choose to put Him first. May our good Lord bless you and protect your family because of your obedience. 😃

BY adrian sibuan

(malaysia - acts bandar utama)

By rachel ng

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

To: Erin Wong (née Tan)

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Sharon Tin Sing Chie

(Malaysia - Acts bandar utama)

Hi Sharon! 😃 I think I've known you better when we decided to serve in Acts BU. Thank you for sowing into part of the community. Remember that God's know and remember your prayer and needs. He will surely bring into fruitfulness in His beautiful timing!

By adrian sibuan

(Malaysia - Acts bandar utama)

To: Pr Steven Soon Soo Onn

(Malaysia - Acts bandar utama)

By jasmine ng

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

To: eliza wong

(Malaysia - Acts subang jaya 1030)

Dear Eliza, Thank you for welcoming into your Homes. You were one of the first people to care for me in church, and I'll never forget how you looked out for me and prayed with me. It's truly always been an encouragement to see how you always serve with joy and give without reservation despite the times where you were tired and down. I pray every day that God will continue to bless you in everything that you do, and that you will bless others in turn.

With much love, Serene

By serene soon

(Malaysia - Acts subang jaya 1030)

To: Pr Nikki Hassam

(global - acts london)

I thank God for Pr Nikki Hassam who has never given up n has faithfully following up on me n my children. She has always been our guiding, praying n encouraging us. She is such a blessing sent by God to us. We truly appreciate all her efforts n love she has shown to us.

By Cheah Sim Imm (Christine)

(Malaysia - Acts cyberjaya)

To: Jaeson Cheng

(malaysia - acts kota kemuning)

By rachel ng

(malaysia - acts kota kemuning)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Aaron Benjamin Quek

(malaysia - acts subang jaya 1030)

Thank you for being a friend. I've noticed how you intentionally reach out to me and try to connect with me. It means a lot, and I appreciate it so much. The joy and love of the Lord shines through you. Jesus is so evident in your life, Aaron, and I know that He always will be. May He continue to pour out His blessings onto you, and may you continue to bless others in turn.

With much love, Serene

By serene soon

(malaysia - acts subang jaya 1030)

To: john wong

(malaysia - acts kota kemuning)

By rachel ng

(malaysia - acts kota kemuning)

To: joan wong

(malaysia - acts kota kemuning)

By rachel ng

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

To: Julie Goh Tze-Jing

(malaysia - acts subang jaya 1030)

Dear Julie, Thank you so much for your care and friendship. You have been such an amazing support and blessing in my life. The way you serve with the joy of the Lord never ceases to inspire me, and every day I pray for only the best for you, as you have given only your best to your friends, to the church, and to God. May God continue to pour out His blessings onto you, and may you continue to bless others in turn.

With much love, Serene

By serene soon

(malaysia - acts subang jaya 1030)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Caitlyn Chang Yen Ming

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

Dear Caitlyn, Words cannot express how grateful I am that God has placed you in my life. You've provided me so much support and encouragement, as you've provided so many others. You are truly salt and light; the Gospel is seen through your life and the way you love others. I'll always remember our conversations, even when one or both of us are exhausted, you've always managed to bless me with your gentle guidance and steadfast faith. To many, many, many more years of friendship and discipleship! May God continue to shine His light upon you, just as you do so for others. With much love, Serene

By Serene Soon

(malaysia - acts subang jaya 1030)

to: Kok Li Theen

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

Li Theen, i'm glad to have the chance to get to know you and i have seen how dedicated you are in serving the Lord. It is an honour to have you as our homes leader and I really appreciate that you are always there for us. Really thank you and grateful for you.

By Apple

(malaysia - acts PJ)

To: Rogers Sek

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

By Rachel Ng

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

To: Dawn Chua Ren Xi

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

Dear Dawn, Thank you for being such a wonderful friend and sister in Christ! I still remember when we were roommates during AYC and found kindred souls in each other. I love it when we get the chance to talk about life and faith, you've been such a source of wisdom and encouragement for me. May God pour out His blessings onto you, and may you continue to bless others in turn! With much love, Serene

By Serene Soon

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Sophia Goh Tze-Wan

(Malaysia - acts subang jaya 1o30)

Dear Sophia, Thank you so much for your friendship and your kindness. You have no idea how welcome you made me feel when I first came to Acts. I was shaking with anxiety and so worried I would feel like an outsider. But you've been such a blessing and such a beautiful friend to me that I couldn't help but feel at home. I can see the way that Jesus has worked in your life, and how He will continue to work in you and through you. His love shows itself through you. He sees everything that you give, and I know that He is so pleased with you. May He continue to pour out blessings onto you, and may you continue to bless others in turn.

With much love, Serene

By serene soon

(Malaysia - acts Subang jaya 1030)

To: Josephine Chay

(malaysia - acts bandar utama)

Hi Mamajo! 😃 Thank you so much for sowing your time with us, especially with singles & young family. You don't need to, yet you choose to show your care & love to the people around. And I know that He is faithful to see all your family will come to know Him 😊

By Adrian Sibuan

(malaysia - acts bandar utama)

to: Jasmine Ng Qian Ru

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

By rachel Ng

(Malaysia - Acts Kota Kemuning)

To: Yeoh Li Shin (Elisha)

(Malaysia - Acts nilai)

By Yau Sze Xuen

(Malaysia - Acts nilai)

To: jonathan cheong

(Malaysia - Acts bandar utama)

Thank you for sowing into His house and is good to see you being in the same community as myself. I pray that you continue be a great father that will lead your family to always put their relationship and trust in Him first.

By Adrian Sibuan

(Malaysia - Acts bandar utama)

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Love out loud: sending some love to our leaders