
Love out loud: sending some love to our leaders

page 15

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To: Andy Gan

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

Thank you Andy for serving so ​faithfully in acts klang, KG04 and ​as Aloysius guitar teacher and ​giving your best in everything you ​do

By Chris Tan

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

To: Deborah Tan Ai Jern

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

Thank you teacher Debra

By Adalyn Grace Tan

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

To: Pr Alvin Keng

(Malaysia - pj)

Dear Pr Alvin,

No words can describe how much I appreciate you. We have our differences, and we clash here and there, but I'm so thankful to God that He placed you over my life - to guide me, care for me, nurture me and lead me.

Thank you for all that you do for me Pr Alvin! For all the love and sacrifices you've made. Please forgive me for all the times I've crossed you!!

Looking forward to many more God-moments with you!

By Steven Soon Soo Onn

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

To: Angie Lee

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

Thank you Angie leading KG04 in such an accommodative and patient way. God bless!

By Chris Tan

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

To:Jason Martin

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

Hi Jason, thank you for being ​an awesome leader. It has ​been a great journey since we ​joined Acts Klang. Always ​blessed by your sermon and ​inspired by your dedication in ​serving God. Thank you! 😊

By Ashly Tan

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

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To: Pr Paul Yong

(Malaysia - Acts Iskandar)

I cannot praise God enough ​for Pr Paul for not just having ​such an obedient heart to ​plant Acts Iskandar but also ​preserving from year to year ​because of his heart for the ​church. I found my family in ​Christ in Johor and have ​grown so much during the ​time I was there serving while ​always being supported by ​the Iskandar family. Thank you ​so much Pr Paul- may God ​continue to bless and carry ​you from strength to strength, ​glory to glory for Him!

By Meng Yee Fong

(Malaysia - Acts Iskandar)

To: Eld Rosalind Ang

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

Thank you Elder Rose for supporting ​me in my journey & thank you for ​being a good leader in acts church! ​Love you ❤️

BY Calise

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

To: Pr Hong Kah Jin

(Global - Acts Karawaci)

Thank you for walking with us through ​this journey of faith. The sacrifices you've ​made to keep the church going and ​growing has been my constant reminder ​to always put God first no matter how ​busy life can get.Thank you for walking ​with us through this journey of faith. The ​sacrifices you've made to keep the ​church going and growing has been my ​constant reminder to always put God first ​no matter how busy life can get.

BY Lanny Ekowati

(Global - Acts Karawaci)

To: Pr John Soong

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

Hi Pr John! Wanna thank you so ​much for everything you have ​done and doing. You are the real ​definition of going the extra ​extra mile and although it might ​seem that you are being taken ​for granted sometimes, I want to ​thank you for everything and it ​does not all go unseen. Thanks ​for going to press on even when ​times were hard and thank you ​for being such a pillar of ​strength when I was going ​through some visa issues. I really ​admire your passion and your ​dedication. Keep going on!

BY Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

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To: Adrian Sibuan, Jenice Yap, Jonathan Cheong, Josiah Yang Kai Yi, ​Pr Steven Soon Soo Onn, Sharon Tin Sing Chie

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

Thank you for serving so faithfully as a leader to us in Acts Bandar Utama! ​Love, a few of us from ActsBU ❤️

BY Chen Sylvia

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

To: Pr Nikki Hassam

(Global - Acts London)

Hi Pr Nikki. This is definitely ​not enough to express how ​much thankful I am to you. For ​your guidance, prayer, ​encouragements and always ​checking in. Malaysia is ​definitely different without you ​and hope we can go on that ​trip soon hehe. Thanks for ​taking care of me and my ​huddle as well. For calling and ​for praying. For taking care of ​Roro there as well. You are the ​best and I really look up to ​what you do! Love you and ​SEE YOU SOON!

BY Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

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To: Cheryl Khoo

(Malaysia - Acts Iskandar)

Cheryl is a leader like no other because ​God has made her special in her ways ​and special personally to me. She leads ​by her energy, testimonies and just her ​heart for God’s people. Thank you Cheryl, ​and I miss you lots!

by Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

to: Pr Sadie Kydd

(Global - Acts Karawaci)

Your constant encouragement ​and continuous support have ​provided much needed strength ​and comfort during my difficult ​seasons. Thank you for always ​being there when I need a ​shoulder to cry on. I am grateful.

BY Lanny Ekowati

(Global - Acts Karawaci)

to: Pr Sandra Chin

(Malaysia - Acts Kota Kemuning)

Dear Pastor Sandra, I am so ​thankful to have you to guide and ​support me through this journey ​in Acts. Thank you for the time ​you invested in me even though ​your schedules are very packed. ​Thank you very much 🥰

BY Joanne Yong Yun Fong

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

To: Eld Mabel Atkinson

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

Dear Elder Mabel, i want to thank you for ​the encouragement that you speak to ​me in my life and thank you for teaching ​me on what to take note in decorating ​Christmas tree. I personally learn a lot ​from you. You are such a blessing to me. ​Thank you once again

BY Joanne Yong Yun Fong

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

To: Juliana Jong Li Hua

(Malaysia - Acts Seri Kembangan)

Hi JJ, wanna appreciate you for ​everything you do! Really really ​thankful for you! Continue to ​press on and God bless youuu

by Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

to: Caitlyn Chang Yen Ming

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang ​Jaya 0800)

Hi Caitlyn! Wanna appreciate you for ​everything you do for His Kingdom ​sake. You are such an inspiration for me ​and I pray for more of God's goodness ​in your life. Really happy to have you as ​admin and serving alongside you has ​been such a pleasure. Love youu

by Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

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To: Eliza Wong

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

Dear Eliza, wanna appreciate you ​for everything you do! Thank you so ​much for everything! Dear Eliza, ​wanna appreciate you for ​everything you do! Thank you so ​much for everything!

by Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

To: Joy Lim

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

Hi Joyy! Wanna appreciate you ​and thank you for all that you ​are doing for God's Kingdom. ​You are an inspiration and I still ​remember how you took care of ​us last year! Have a great year!

by Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

To: Josephine Koh

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

Hi Jo! 😃 I've seen you ​grow from being a new ​believer to be part of Acts ​PJ growth! Thank you for ​faithfully serving! So glad ​to be part of your homes ​previously even for a ​short while. And I ​definitely miss your cake ​tasting 😢 P.s. can let me ​know if you all are up for ​dessert. Hehe 😋

By Adrian Sibuan

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

To: Pr Sadie Kydd

(Global - Acts Karawaci)

Hi Pr Sadie. Wanna thank you for ​everything you are doing for Acts ​Karawaci and for taking care of ​Olivia as well. Thank you even for ​taking the time to call and pray! ​Appreciate you

By Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

Thank you so much for serving ​faithfully be it in Host or Sound ​team 😃. Also being a teacher to ​many young teens, that itself is a ​big responsibility 💪 Continue to ​trust Him for all your needs 🙏

By Adrian Sibuan

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

To: Christina Lam

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

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To: Jessica Chan

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

I believe you're my 1st Homes leader ​previously when I 1st came to Acts ​(dinosaur ages ago) 🤣 Thank you for ​still faithfully serving. You have been ​doing great with God's strength ​despite of the ups & down in life 😃

By Adrian Sibuan

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

To: Grace

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

You are always ready to serve in ​any ministry since the 1st day you ​came to Acts BU 😃 Thank you for ​always uplift the environment and ​look out for others even beyond ​Acts BU. Let me treat you for a ​meal for every successful sem you ​completed 😊 I mean it! Jia you!

By Adrian Sibuan

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

To: Arty

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

Thank you teacher Arty for ​faithfully serving in Acts Kids 😃 ​We know that the children leave ​service knowing & loving Jesus ​more. Look forward to know more ​anime recommendations from ​you! 😆

By Adrian Sibuan

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

To: Chan Ming Sheng

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1330)

Hi Ming Sheng. wanna say thank ​you for all that you do for ActsTV! ​Appreciate you

By Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

To: Michelle Wong

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

Almost every week you have been ​serving faithfully in Actspresso! 😊 ​you for being with us as one of the ​pioneer to help build Acts BU. ​Looking forward to see you grow ​successfully in your work, family, ​relationships & faith! 😃

By Adrian Sibuan

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

To: Victor & Audrey

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

Thank you Victor & Audrey for ​faithfully serving in Acts BU! 😃 ​Glad to know that you decided to ​root down in Acts BU and help ​build our community. Looking ​forward to see you all being ​fruitful as a young family 😊

By Adrian Sibuan

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

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To: razel tan

(Malaysia - acts mandarin subang jaya 0800)

Dear Razel Thank you so much for your warmest smiles every time we meet. I want especially thank you for always being there for me during one of my lowest point in life. Your prayers always come when I needed them most. I am so grateful for a leader like you. Thank you and love you.


By chua soo wah

(Malaysia - acts mandarin subang jaya 0800)

To: Daniel Ngwenya

(malaysia - acts pj)

Daniel, Thank you for being my spiritual pillar. Your faith in God has helped me to deepen my relationship with him. Thank you for your support and for always being there since day one. I'm forever grateful for you.

By Apple Enriquez

(malaysia - acts pj)

to: Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts semenyih)

By rachel Ng

(Malaysia - Acts Kota Kemuning)

To: Pr John Soong

(Malaysia - Acts subang jaya 1030)

By rachel ng

(Malaysia - kota kemuning)

To: cherlyn ng

(Malaysia - Acts cheras)

Hi Cheryln! Your zeal for the House of God is very inspiring! Thank you for faithfully serving the Lord!

By john soong

(Malaysia - Acts subang jaya 1030)

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To: Kok Li Theen

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

Hi Li Theen! I've seen you grow ​from a Campus student (ages ago ​😆) to being part of Acts PJ ​growth! Thank you for faithfully ​serving 😃 Looking forward to see ​what God has planned for your ​journey ahead!

By Adrian Sibuan

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

To: Pr Matthew Chang

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

Hi Pr Matt! Thank you for faithfully ​heading Acts YWA and sharing the ​Word on Sunday 😃. We greatly ​appreciate it! Looking forward to ​serve alongside with you for ​upcoming months ahead!

By Adrian Sibuan

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

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Love out loud: sending some love to our leaders