
Love out loud: sending some love to our leaders

page 18

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To: Lim Wei Jye (Maggie)

(Malaysia - Acts Nilai)

林美洁 真的真的要大声说爱你啊!谢谢你每一次的关心和关照!算算一下 认识你也有几年了 (时间过得好快哟)这几年里面也见证到了你的成长 变得越来越漂亮 温柔 成熟 是更好的你!接下来的每一天里 神都要大大的赐福与你 亲自满足你心之所想 带领你与祂更亲近 爱人和爱神!爱你哟!

By Caitlyn Chang Yen Ming

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

To: Aaron Benjamin Quek

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

Hey Aaron, wanna say thank you for stepping up to the needs of Sunway campus! Despite the commitment that you have in TCT, you still choose to take up this responsibility to sow into the ground and working together with the team alongside your studies! I pray that God will fulfil your heart's desire and provide for you in abundance when the needs arise! Cheering you on and we've always got your back!

By Caitlyn Chang Yen Ming

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

To: Samantha Sophia Woon U-Mei

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

Hi Sam! How have u been? All is good i hope? Anyways I just wanna pop in and say thank you for all u've done for us all. Sometimes we don't realize how much thought, hardwork and dedication it takes to organize an event or even just making a regular sunday happen. So, thank you so much for all the sacrifices u've made (and are still making) to sow into our lives.

I don't know what ur situation is right now, but I hope this text can at least make ur day a little brighter. Hope to see u again! I'll definitely let u guys know if I'm back Malaysia so we can catch up. Miss u guys lots.

By Cindy Phan

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

To: Pr Steven Soon Soo Onn

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

Hi Pr Steven, I know I may have said it several times, but truly thank YOU for entrusting me when I may still have some doubt in myself, and for being patient in guiding me through the little and big things over the seasons! Believing that what I learnt from you today will be something that I'll apply at where God will place me at someday! Can't wait to assist you further in sowing into the ministry in the days to come!

By Caitlyn Chang Yen Ming

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

To: Eliza Wong

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

Hey Eliza, just wanna say thank you for your guidance along the way as I serve as a PC! From someone who knows nothing till today becoming a PC in different ways, thank you for entrusting me and be strict/straightforward with my mistakes at times!

By Caitlyn Chang Yen Ming

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

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To: Pr Yvonne Chong

(Malaysia - Acts Nilai)

Hi Pr, still remember you asked me a question on how you made my year better? Lemme answer you now hahaha

- Thank you for always making me on the go to give my best

- Thank you for walking the talk, leading by example

- Thank you for always showing how pleasing God is so much better than pleasing man

- Thank you for caring for me in different ways

- Thank you for always daring to point out different things that we really need to take note of

I believe my life would have been so different without you being part of it! Love you!

By Caitlyn Chang Yen Ming

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

To: Jessica Chan

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

Hello Jess!

Thank you for being such a blessing in my life. For the opportunity to serve in actsposure during Bloom 2023, whatmore whenever there is a need. Not just that, I am blessed. Thank you for checking on me whenever you could, for praying along in my lowest and toughest battle. Appreciate for everything you done. You have been such a bright leader in acts pj, so cheers to more friendship heheh God bless!

By heidi lai

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

To: Adeline Lim

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

Hi Adeline, wanna say thank you for caring for me since the first day of work, for always teaching me with patience, encouraging and appreciating the effort done! truly a blessing to have the chance to work with you! May God''s favour and blessings be upon you and your loved ones at all times!

By Caitlyn Chang Yen Ming

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

To: Lim Pei Wen (Winnie)

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

Harlow Pei Wen, wanna let you know that, am always inspired by your heart to reach out to people consistently, and be really sensitive to the Holy Spirit as you lead people to Christ! I know that God has so much more in store for you ahead, cheering you on as you continue to walk according to His path with much faith, in fear and trembling towards God but not men!

By Caitlyn Chang Yen Ming

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

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To: Pr Kenneth Chin

(Malaysia - Acts Kota Kemuning)

Hi Pr Kenneth, before I came into AYA, I was actually a bit afraid to talk to the authorities (which include you hahaha), and even after I come in, I was a still a 'lil afraid, but it gets better over time hahaha

And I truly agree that it's important to start the young people young to get them learn and know how to speak to adult. I've experienced how tough it gets when growing up, and I'm pleasure to be part of this 'team' who encourage young people to grow in this aspect nowadays.

And I would like to say thank you for sharing during last year's staff devotion regarding how your late dad come to know Christ through flyering. That was right before my team head for year end mission. Before listening to your sharing,

I was actually hesitating whether to print flyers for this missions trip as I have some bad experience of flyering during my campus days. After the devotion, I made up my mind to at least print a few copies to bring over. Little did I know that we actually managed to pass out the flyers to some of the children during our dinner. And guess what, the children actually came for the kids service during our missions trip! This actually help me to believe in the power of flyering again and to know that God works in ways that we may never thought of.

Thank you for being such an inspiration to so many of us through your relationship with God!

By Caitlyn Chang Yen Ming

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

To: Pr Sandra Chin

(Malaysia - Acts Kota Kemuning)

Hey Pr Sandra, I can’t thank you enough for all that you have done for God and His people. I’m really grateful for you since day 1. Since the beginning, the harsh truth is like double-edged sword, breaking down my old ways and rebuilding for a better, more Christ-like version of me.

Praying and declaring that in your days ahead, joy and laughter will continue to spring forth from you just as how it was when you first tasted Jesus’ love. Then also, a happy marriage with Pr Kenneth just like how it was when you first fall in love. Love you, God blessed!

By Lim Pei Wen

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

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To: Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

Hey Shook, the best ministry partner to have in the world! loving how the Semenyih team is growing deep and upwards simultaneously, and how the team is such an inspiration to the other campuses!

so so well done in leading the team, Shook! let's continue to be each other's best partner in this ministry journey of sowing into the ground! jomss!

By Caitlyn Chang Yen Ming

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

To: Eld Ang Peng Hoe

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

Hi Elder,

Thank you for always reaching out for me. You have seen my happiness and my sadness and my brokenness. I love that how you have always chose to listen instead of judging. You have helped me to learn how to be more accountable, how small or big things it is i will share.

I really thank God that I am able to share everything to you cause i don’t share things with people but only you. Thank you for guiding me always and helping and reminding me of my quiet time with God. Thank you so much for sowing into my life. God bless!!❤️

By Richard Ha

(Malaysia - Acts Cheras)

To: Pr Sarah Fong

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

Hi Pr Sarah! I believe it wasn't a coincidence I interpreted for your class for first-gen Christians. Wanted to express my thanks to you for sharing your heart out! I don't really understand a lot of these coming from a Christian family, but your sharing was a reminder of how blessed I am, and also helped me re-establish a better understanding and reverence for certain things we do. Thanks for helping me become less of a Christian parrot (HAHA).

By Dawn Chua Ren Xi

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

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To: Gabriel Ng

(Global - Acts Edinburgh)

Hey Gab, it's been a while! Wanna say thank you for sowing into the campus grounds during your days in Subang, into the lives of students which we could clearly see that some of them have grown up much now! always inspired by your sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and God's voice in walking in Him!

Praying that the ground that you're sowing now will bear much fruits in the days to come, and you and your team will be encouraged by the 'lil and big things God is showing y'all! Cheering you on!

By Caitlyn Chang Yen Ming

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

To:Eld Shirley Wong

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

亲爱的秀丽长老, Thank YOU so much for being you (and your care, support and sowing)! There's so much to learn from you and am glad that I get to work more closely with you recent years :D 无论多忙碌,你一直都是开朗和充满活力的 😁

Appreciate the times spent when I needed advice and hearing me out. Grateful for the trust, encouragement and support especially when I find it hard to believe in myself. Really really appreciate you for all that you have done. Keep shining for Jesus! 爱你哟 🫶🏻 Hugs & blessings, Yi Xue 💜

By Ngoo Yi Xue

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

To: Eld Wong Kien Yiak

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

Heyyo Elder hehe, wanna say thank you for always being the cute (with your peace sign) presence in the office and church! Thank you for allowing me to be comfortable around you and for always jio-ing us for GOOD FOOD! Zhang lao, ni Zhen de hen ke ai!

couldn't imagine how you started off listening all those mandarin songs and even ended up sharing it with Elder Shirley hahah, praying that God's abundant blessings to be poured upon you and fill you with overflowing joy each single day!

By Caitlyn Chang Yen Ming

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

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To: Wong Siong Thye

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

Heyyo 钛棒了!你的这个口头禅真的好洗脑哦 你让我想到了一句我在中学深受鼓舞的一句话 “不要吝啬你的赞美” 我在你身上着着实实看到了这句话!很多时候 当我怀疑自己,或者是不把自己的成果当一回事的时候 你的这句话让我知道其实有人看到我的尝试 我的努力!其实你知道吗 你是我的其中一个鼓励 - 让我想要真心去关心 赞美一个人 因为他们值得

所以 钛 真的真的谢谢你 以后我一定会想念你的存在 你的这句鼓励 因为它们是一个很特别的存在!继续为神做盐做光吧 你的真心我们都看得到的!钛,太棒了!

By Caitlyn Chang Yen Ming

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

To: Stephen Kong

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

Hellooo Stephen! How r u? I hope all is well on your end. Anyways I just wanna pop in to say thank you for all the things u've done for us all. Whether it be the big things or even the smallest of gestures, rest assured that they can make a difference. So I just wanna say thank you for all your thoughts, hard work and dedication that u put into sowing into our lives and our community there in Semenyih.

Also, most of all thank you for giving us your time. Gosh I still remember that talk u had for CampusCity where u said u only need to sleep for 4 hrs a day. My goodness man I sure do hope u aren't still doing that. Get some sleep Stephen! 🤣 Hopefully I can come to Malaysia soon so we can all catch up. I miss u guys a lot 😭

By Cindy Phan

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

To: Wong Ya Ling

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

YL! 其实这句话我很早就想跟你说了,你其实真的很温柔啦!你有一颗温柔的心 温柔但刚强的灵 温柔但有自信的语气 甜甜的笑容 你真的太棒了!谢谢你一直以来的关心和问候 真的很温暖!我祈祷神继续大大的使用你成为祂独特的器皿 为祂所用 同时亲自满足你心之所想 继续帮助你在祂的爱和平安里茁壮成长!爱你哟!

By Caitlyn Chang Yen Ming

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

To: Adrian Yong

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

Thank you being such a great host, going the extra mile by welcoming people even before they reach the main door. Whenever you are serving in Host, your smile will be something that I consistently caught as I enter for service. Thanks for being very welcoming.

By Priscilla Lau

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

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To: Pr Sarah Fong

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

Hi Pr Sarah, wanna say thank you for your guidance and caring back in the days when I was working in LL! thank you for constantly challenging me to step out of my comfort zone and yet watching over me so that you could guide me when I'm going astray!

truly a privilege to be working with you and the team, what more with those bunch of cute lil ones! praying for God's best in your work, ministry and family at all times!

By Caitlyn Chang Yen Ming

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

To: Tiffany Ling

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

Hey Tiffizle! Just wanted to drop a short note to say that it's been a privilege getting to know you and serving alongside you! Thank you for faithfully serving in all that you do and saying yes even when it challenges you out of your comfort zone!

I'm inspired by your love for people and how you've remained quirkily the same over these many years of growing together! I appreciate you for who you are and hope that we can continue to grow this friendship! Cheering you on in this new season ahead as you take this time to rest, recalibrate and just seek God for His best over your life. Love you!

By Ellie Chua

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

To: Isabella Tan

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

哈咯 Ah Belle! 想要跟你说 谢谢你一直以来真情真意的去关心你身边的人 愿意被神来使用成为祂的器皿 细心的去倾听圣灵的声音 好让你身边的人蒙福!神其实都有看到你的大爱 我相信当祂看到你的一举一动的时候 脸上是挂着笑容的!让我们一起继续爱我们身边的人 爱我们8点的大家庭吧!hehe

By Caitlyn Chang Yen Ming

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

To: Jaime (Adrian Yong’s wife)

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

Thank you being such a great host. Your warmth is something that I always caught whenever you are serving. Thank you for always sharing your own personal testimonies about yourself and your husband as an encouragement to us whenever we faced problems. Thank you!

By Priscilla Lau

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

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Love out loud: sending some love to our leaders