
Love out loud: sending some love to our leaders

page 16

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Pr Sandra Chin

(Malaysia - Acts kota komuning)

Hi Pr Sandra,

Thanks for being genuinely you. For your heart that continues to love and minister to us all.

I remember many times you have ministered to me personally in person & over the stage. Once your message said ‘Don’t be afraid to advance God’s kingdom’ and that spoke to me many years ago and gave me courage to be sent to plant Acts PJ. Thank you for your love for me, my family and the church. We love you so much Pr Sandra. God bless you & your family.


Jess Keng

(Malaysia - Acts pj

To: Dr Irene Lau

(Malaysia - Acts seri kembangan)

I've seen you wear so many hats - Homes leader, worship ministry, core team for CY & SK, Acts Kids teacher etc.. thank you for being so faithful to His House! 😃 Looking forward to see many great things God has planned in your life!

By Adrian Sibuan

(Malaysia - Acts bandar utama)

To: Eld Dr Jill Ling

(Malaysia - Acts cyberjaya)

Dear Dr. Jill, thank you for your kind and tender spirit that always nourishes, always encourages and always brings a sense of warmth. May the Lord continue to bless you with all that you need to be a person who reflects the tender-heart of God and may many be brought into the Kingdom of God through your unique gifting. 💕

By Lithi Lazar

(Malaysia - Acts cyberjaya)

To: Eld Rosalind Ang

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

By Lam May Yen

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

To: Juliana Jong Li Hua

(Malaysia - Acts seri kembangan)

Hi JJ! Thank you for all the love and care you’ve shown to us. You’re no doubt one of the coolest leaders here in Acts! I pray that God will empower and strengthen you daily as you carry out His work and may His wisdom and guidance always be with you. 🫶🏻

By Ng Mei Ling

(malaysia - acts seri kembangan)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Pr Yvonne Chong

(Malaysia - Acts nilai)

Hey Pr Yvonne thanks for loving God and serving His people so faithfully! Your faithfulness, obedience and courage really inspired and encouraged me whenever I hear how you serve the Lord so tirelessly and passionately! Believing for greater breakthrough and soaring higher in the Lord in the days ahead!

By Lim Pei Wen

(Malaysia - Acts semenyih)

To: Crystal Ling Xiu Bin

(Malaysia - Acts nilai)

By Liew Mei Chen 刘美贞

(Malaysia - Acts nilai)

(malaysia - Acts subang jaya 1030)

Dear Eliza,

Thank YOU so much for being you (and your care, support, trust and sowing)! Can't imagine where would I be without your support and guidance. The girl that entered Acts thinking that she can just be one normal person among the many won't believe that she could one day be entrusted to lead.

Thanks for being so patient hearing me out and waiting for me to sort out the mess especially during the MCO season. I might have given up on myself if it weren't for the encouragement, support & love I received. Thanks for trusting in me when I can't even trust myself (thinking that I have failed it all) back then.

Really really appreciate you for all that you have done. Stay awesome and keep shining for Jesus! Love you much 🫶🏻

Hugs & blessings,

Yi Xue 💜

(Malaysia - Acts mandarin subang jaya 0800)

To: Katherine Salcedo

(Malaysia - Acts cyberjaya)

To my super awesome mentor, thank you for sowing into my life and treating us as part of your family. I will always cherish and remember the things you've taught me. Love you my dearest sister!


(Malaysia - Acts pj)

Dear Maggie, thanks for doing all that you do for the Lord! You are much appreciated.

‭‭I Corinthians 15:58 NKJV‬‬

[58] Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

Cheering you on!

By Joey Chew

(Malaysia - Acts nilai)

To: Lim Wei Jye (Maggie)

(Malaysia - Acts nilai)

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To: Pr Janaronson Nagarajah

(Global - Acts nilai)

Dear Pr Ronson, thanks for being a wise and humble leader! You are much appreciated. May God strengthen and keep you faithful always.

By Joey Chew

(malaysia - Acts nilai)

To: Pr Kenneth Chin

(Malaysia - Acts kota kEmuning)

Pastor Kenneth, thank you for being a great pastor, a leader and a friend in Acts. I’ve learn so much as a leader in church. Your faith is so huge. And you lean on God for everything. You have increased my believe so much.

Your relationship with God and your obedience have bring Acts to another level. You have showed me that God can be so real in my life too.

I’m so grateful I’m part of the Acts family.

❤️love ya

By Eileen Leong

(Malaysia - ACTS subang jaya 1030)

To: Caitlyn Chang Yen Ming

(Malaysia - Acts mandarin subang jaya 0800)

Dear Caitlyn,

From hearing your name through others to now working closely together, it's beyond what I could ever imagined :) A really big thank YOU for all your care, support and sowing! Am really blessed by your friendship and I believed many others too.

Continue to shine on for Jesus and stay awesome. God has so much more installed for you and as you put your trust in Him, you'll see dreams unfold. Declaring Isaiah 40:31 over your life :D

Let's build God's kingdom together, cheering you on! 爱你哟 🫶🏻

Love & hugs,

Yi Xue 💜

By Ngoo Yi Xue

(Malaysia - Acts mandarin subang jaya 0800)

To: Joel Tay

(Global - Acts subang jaya 1030)

Thank you for being a strong pillar for our homes & always opening up your house generously for us. Appreciate all the hard work and love both you & Shereen sow to our homes.

By Fee vien

(malaysia - Acts subang jaya 1030)

To: Pr Sandra Chin

(malaysia - Acts kota komuning)

I thank God upon every rememberance of you (Phil 1:3) You are such an inspiration and thank you for always being there ❤️

By Vonica Khoo

(malaysia - Acts pj)

To: Tan Yi Wen

(Malaysia - Acts klang)

Dearest Yi Wen, I am truly grateful to have you not just as a dedicated Host leader but as a beautiful person in & out. Your unwavering support and dedication truly comforts me. You are always ever ready to give a helping hand and that’s something that I’m very thankful of you. I know God has a greater plan in your life and may you continue to be His ambassador wherever you are being placed. Lotsa love.


(Malaysia - Acts klang)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Tan Yean Yu

(Malaysia - Acts nilai)

By Liew Mei Chen 刘美贞

(Malaysia - acts nilai)

(Malaysia - Acts mandarin subang jaya 0800)

Hi Elder Shirley!

You are amazingly beautifully creatively boldly outrageously lovely you! Thanks for loving me from my younger days till now. We may not spend lots of time together but know that you are remembered & loved.

For showing the way & faithfully sowing in me & my family & the church. Love you much !

God bless you, your family & your ministry!



(Malaysia - acts pj)

To: Tan Yean Yu

(Malaysia - Acts nilai)

Dear Yean Yu, thanks for doing all that you do for the Lord! You are much appreciated.

‭‭I Corinthians 15:58 NKJV‬‬

[58] Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

Cheering you on!

By Joey Chew

(Malaysia - acts nilai)

To: Pr Sarah Fong

(Malaysia - Acts subang jaya 1030)

Thank you Pastor Sarah for walking me through the ups & downs! Cheering you on as you continue to lead Acts Kids & huddle onwards!

By Fee vien

(Malaysia - Acts subang jaya 1030)

To: Daniel Ngwenya

(Malaysia - Acts pj)

By Josephine Chay Sook Ching

(Malaysia - Acts bandar utama)


I've never told you before how much I appreciate our friendship. I do and I'm grateful for the times you ministered to me whenever I was feeling down or worried about our financial situation back then. I remember every prayer your prayers over Aaron and myself. The one that I hold very dear is "one day in the future you will look back on today and wonder how you did it" thank you for those prayers and for teaching me to trust in God. Look where I am today. You sowed many good seeds, brother. Today they bore good fruits. Thank you Dan!

To: Pr Kenneth Chin

(Malaysia - Acts kota komuning)

We are blessed to have you as our spiritual father. Thank you for living and walking your talk!

By Vonica Khoo

(Malaysia - Acts pj)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Pr Sandra Chin

(Malaysia - Acts kota komuning)

Pr Sandra,

I loved your sharing on the opening night of ALC. Couldn't help but to shed a tear or two. I don't know what to say but I just wanted you to know that I'm very happy you're my Pastor. Pls know that all of us in Acts Bandar Utama appreciate you with every bear of our hearts and even if there's anyone who doesn't see your heart, I bet Jesus sees. Thank YOU for loving us.

Josephine aka Mamajo aka Carmen's mom

By Josephine Chay Sook Ching

(Malaysia - Acts bandar utama)

to :Pr Gloria Paul

(Malaysia - Acts bandar utama)

Thank you Pr Gloria for being obedient and faithful towards God's calling in your life! We see the fruit of Act Cheras because of your obedience. 😃 Looking forward to see what God has in store for you!

By Adrian Sibuan

(Malaysia - Acts bandar utama)

To: Tony & Vonica

(Malaysia - Acts pj)

By Adrian Sibuan

(Malaysia - Acts bandar utama)

Thank you Tony, Vonica for always opening up your house when I attended your homes previously 😃 I definitely miss Vonica home cooked meals 😋 Both of you are definitely a role model to many of us young people. Looking forward to see great things God has planned for you!

To: Chandreshan Ravichandren

(Malaysia - Acts seri kembangan)

Hey Chan, thanks for loving God and serving His people so faithfully! Your faithfulness, obedience and courage really inspired and encouraged me whenever I hear you share with so much boldness. Really, thank you for always giving your best, surely your reward is in heaven and believing for greater breakthrough and for you to soar higher in the Lord in the days ahead!

By Lim Pei Wen

(Global - Acts semenyih)

To: Rachelle Wong

(Malaysia - Acts kota komuning)

Dear Rachelle, thank you for the constant care, the love that u showered on me and the youths in kk. Thank you for ur kind words, for cheering me on be it academics or spiritual growth. Thank you for stepping up, taking the bigger responsibility in being a leader tho the commitments are high. Thank you for inspiring others and entertaining my nonscene as usual HAHAHA. thank u for being the 'big sis', the comforter <3. I'll prob randomly appear in front of ur doorstep soon HAHAHAH hv fun at the leader's conference! AND HV U SIGNED UP FOR CAMPUS CONFERENCE YET HAHAHA

By Adrian Sibuan

(Malaysia - Acts bandar utama)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Ooi Wei Beng

(Malaysia - Acts semenyih)

Hello Beng! Long time no see! How r u? I hope all is well on your end. Anyways I just wanna say thank you for all the things u've done for us (and for me also) all this time. I think most of all, u have a great capacity for generosity and kindness that made me want to be a better person. Thanks for all the car rides, all the meals and talks we had, and thanks for offering ur home for homes last time. I can confidently say that my time on campus with y'all are still the best time in my life. Really enjoyed the community that we have and that wouldn't happen without our leaders' hardwork and sacrifices. I don't know how things are with u right now but I hope getting all these messages manage to brighten ur day and show that we really appreciate the things our leaders do for us (feels like we don't say it often enough tho). Have a great day Beng!

by Cindy Phan

(Malaysia - Acts semenyih)

To: Pr Yvonne Chong

(Malaysia - Acts nilai)

Dear Pr Yvonne, thanks for your dedication and love to Acts Nilai. May God reward you richly! Appreciating you, Joey.

By Joey Chew

(Malaysia - Acts nilai)

To: Ooi Wei Beng

(Malaysia - Acts semenyih)

Hey Crystal, thanks for loving God and serving His people so faithfully! Your faithfulness, obedience and courage really inspired and encouraged me whenever I heard you sharing your testimony! Believing for greater breakthrough and growth for your many more years in the Lord! 让我们一起奔跑不放弃,加油!

by Lim Pei Wen

(Malaysia - Acts semenyih)

To: Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts semenyih)

Helloooo! How r uuuu? It's been so longg! I just wanna say thanks for all u've done (and are still doing) for us in Semenyih. I really salute ur passion and dedication to keep serving in ASY. Can't imagine it without u. Seeing u have always motivated me to work harder, be a better servant of Christ. Aww.. Anyways thank you for all the talks, the meals we had together and most of all thank you for giving us your time. I really treasure my time in campus and I can honestly say it's the best time of my life. Love the community we have and that couldn't happen without all the hardwork and dedication our leaders put in every single day to sow into our lives. Feels like we don't say it enough but we really appreciate all the things u've done for us. Whether they r big grand things or even small little things, they don't really matter. In the end, all those things made ASY a home that I really miss. Love u lots shook!

By Cindy Phan

(Malaysia - Acts semenyih)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Shekinah Dalayya

(Global - Acts semenyih)

Thank you for being a Good sister. I'm grateful for the love support you have always given me. God bless you absolutely. Love you Shekinah!💗

By Elizabeth William

(malaysia - Acts semenyih)

To: Joshua Tan Chungyi

(Malaysia - Acts nilai)

Dear Joshua, thanks for doing all that you do for the Lord! You are much appreciated.

‭‭I Corinthians 15:58 NKJV‬‬

[58] Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

Cheering you on!

By Joey Chew

(Malaysia - acts nilai)

To: Pr Kenneth Chin

(Malaysia - kota komuning)

Dear Pr. Kenneth, thank you for being the visionary that you are, for bringing the plans and the heart of God down to 🌎 and ushering all of us into our God-given destinies. Thank you for shedding unseen tears, for carrying the heartaches, for walking through the valleys and bearing all that comes with your calling as an apostle and as a spiritual father. May the Lord strengthen your heart to go deeper and may your spirit shine brighter with each day knowing that the Father has inscribed you on the palms of His Hands. Much love and blessings and prayers from our family! ✨

By Lithi Lazar

(Malaysia - Acts cyberjaya)

To: Pr Sandra Chin

(Malaysia - Acts kota komuning)

Thank you for being a strong pillar for our homes & always opening up your house generously for us. Appreciate all the hard work and love both you & Joel sow to our homes.

By Fee vien

(Malaysia - ACTS subang jaya 1030)

To: Michelle Tan

(global - Acts london)

I just want to make a special thank you from the bottom of my heart for Michelle Tan

She’s has become an inspiration for us at Stratford homes. Always going over and beyond for us and especially me. She is always welcoming and listening.

I remember opening up to her about being a born again Christian but never actually owning a physical bible.

She bought me one and tracked down my parents address and sent me my first real Bible and inspired me to be on a path with Jesus and for that I am eternally grateful for her teaching and her patience.

Thank you Michelle and I know it’s not easy to be a leader but you’re doing such a tremendous job. We are so blessed and grateful that you’ve come into our lives

To: Tan Yi Wen

(Malaysia - Acts klang)

Dearest Yi Wen, I am truly grateful to have you not just as a dedicated Host leader but as a beautiful person in & out. Your unwavering support and dedication truly comforts me. You are always ever ready to give a helping hand and that’s something that I’m very thankful of you. I know God has a greater plan in your life and may you continue to be His ambassador wherever you are being placed. Lotsa love.

By Kyrean Ng

(global - Acts london)


(Malaysia - Acts klang)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Raphael Wong

(Malaysia - Acts subang jaya 1030)

Thank you for your faithfulness & love towards God & His people. You are an inspiration!!

By Cheng Fee Vien

(Malaysia - acts subang jaya 1030)

To: Crystal Ling Xiu Bin

(Malaysia - Acts nilai)

Dear Crystal, thanks for doing all that you do for the Lord! You are much appreciated.

‭‭I Corinthians 15:58 NKJV‬‬

[58] Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

Cheering you on!

By Joey Chew

(Malaysia - acts nilai)

To: Pr Sandra Chin

(Malaysia - Acts kota komuning)

Dearest Pr. Sandra, thank you for being a person of excellence and always radiating the love and radiance of Christ. Thank you for shouldering the enormous responsibility of Acts Church, with all of its highs and lows, joys and heartbreaks and yet rising above it all and always being there for your sheep with a kind word, a warm touch and always refreshing us with your joyous laughter. Thank you, Pastor, your little kindnesses mean more than you know. 💕 And may the Lord richly bless you and grant you all your heart’s desires. Much love and blessings and prayers from our family.

By Lithi Lazar

(Malaysia - ACTS cyberjaya)

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Love out loud: sending some love to our leaders