
Love out loud: sending some love to our leaders

page 8

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Losika Vusi Mokonyane

(Global - Acts Mochudi)

Greetings Losika, Thank you for your loyal service and dedication to the God's Kingdom. Your commitment is evident in all that you do. You are blessing and a light. God Bless You.

By Anne Rita Kiconco

(Global - Acts Gaborone)

To: Caitlyn Chang Yen Ming

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)


Thank you for being such an inspiring and caring friend + colleague + comrade. I don’t know how you do all these campus ministry stuff, but seeing you do them so passionately despite how tiring it can get inspires me to do more too. I don’t know exactly what, but let’s just say you inspire me to do more for God’s kingdom.

Thank you for answering my dumb questions as well, from random grammar errors in a sentence to serious questions relating to the faith. Thank you for layaning me even when you’re busy with the many ministries and dream teams you’re in :’)

Lastly, thank you for being my translator during my first mission trip. I learnt a lot from this recent trip (a bit of Mandarin too :D) and I wanna go for more mission trips now HAHAHAHA

By Nicole Lian Kim Kim

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

To: Nam-Zhye Lakthong (Nicholas)

(Malaysia - Acts Cheras)

hello nicholas! hope you are doing well, friend. thank you for still caring darren despite there is a rough patch. i am sorry that i throw the responsibility to you about him when life gets tough (you know you know) yet, you are so so patient. your patience taught me to be more patient with my loved ones. you have indeed done so much for darren. and i can see that he grow, maybe yet, you never fail to still care, still love. so i thank you. i thank you for our friendship too. very interesting yet, "aduhai that kid ah" kind of friendship. more to come, my friend, more to come. God bless!

By heidi lai

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Lungile Moeng

(Global - Acts Mochudi)

Greetings Lungile, thank you for your genuine care and availability, that have made a lasting impact on our lives. I appreciate your commitment and dedication, which is evident in all that you do. You are a shining light in God's kingdom. God Bless You

By Anne Rita Kiconco

(Global - Acts Gaborone)

To: Tan Yean Yu

(Malaysia - Acts Nilai)

Hihi Yean Yu!

I just wanna say, thank you for being such an inspiring friend and colleague. Even though we don’t often interact, but seeing how passionate and how much you care for the campus students around Nilai through your actions alone fills me up with inspiration to care for others around me too.

Thank you as well for keeping me up on my toes when it comes to design-related projects HAHAHAHA. I meant it well and good because your observational skills made me improve on my eye detail xD. Thank you for pushing me through in each and every design project we work on together for Revo Store. Hope to work more with ya on future projects :D

Enjoy this portrait drawing ya!!!

By Nicole Lian Kim Kim

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

To: Maria Cecelia Teves

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

Am apreciating maria for always being there for me and supporting me in prayer

By Nafuna evelyn Dinah

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

To: Celestie Liew Huey Yin

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

Dearest Celestie thank you for loving and serving the kids in our church. May God continue to be the center of your life and lead you to find a good job with a good boss and good work life balance. Cont to shine for Jesus

By Jennifer Wong

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Mosa Dorah Moatshe

(Global - Acts Mochudi)

Greetings Mosa, Thank you for all that you do. I appreciate your commitment and everything you do for our church community. You are a blessing, and light. God bless you.

By Anne Rita Kiconco

(Global - Acts Gaborone)

To: Pr Sadie Kydd

(Global - Acts Karawaci)

Thank you Pr Kah Jin and Pr Sadie for leading and loving Acts Karawaci so sacrificially. Truly so blessed and inspired by all that you do! May God always grant you a double portion in resources, reward and refreshing! 🌈🔥❤️

By Jill Ho

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

To: Sophia Goh Tze-Wan

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)


Hello uwu. Thank you for being such a bubbly and shining girl. Every time when you speak or whenever you interact with the kids, you always put a smile on my face and it made my day much better. Not only that, but I feel much better knowing that there’s quirky (in a good way) people out there, like you xD

It made me feel less alone, and less out of place in a world where everyone needs to fit into a box. Thank you for always shining bright, and keep on shining for the Lord! We gotta hangout sometime soon HAHAHA

Hope you enjoy this portrait drawing! :D

By Nicole Lian Kim Kim

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

To: Katherine Salcedo

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

thanks for leading homes and doing your best

By Nina

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Isaiah Tan Xing Wei

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

Thank you for investing into the children's lives. May God continue to bless you and enlarge your heart with child like faith.

By Rudeen

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

To: Eld Dr Jill Ling

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

Greetings, Pastor Your bold step of faith in initiating Acts Cyberjaya is greatly appreciated. Your shepherd heart is truly appreciated. You are an immense blessing to us as our shepherd.

By Balaji

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

To: Christine Cheah Sim Imm

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

Thank you for serving God’s house faithfully

By Nina

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

To: Chan Ee Laine

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

I appreciate you for your exceptional leadership. Your guidance, vision, and commitment have truly inspired and empowered our homes and kept us together in unity. Thank you for your dedication and may God lead and protect you. We love you ❤️

By Koi Ngunjiri

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

To: Olivia Leong

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

Always inspired , How you faithfully serving God.

By Nina

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

To: Christine Cheah Sim Imm

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

Thank you for being our Homes Leader and guiding us. You've been there for us/homies. We appreciate what you do and never give up and never think that you're not good enough. God has a greater plan and purpose for your life. Keep doing what you do ❤️

By Stephanie Jocelyn Charles

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Pr Jack Ling

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

Thank you for faithfully serving in Cyberjaya. We always pray for God's grace and blessings to you and your family. May God give you the providence you need to glorify Him more and more

By Aris Salcedo

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

To: Juliana Jong Li Hua

(Malaysia - Acts Seri Kembangan)

Helloooo JJ!!!

Wow, I have a lot of things to give thanks to you for, and I honestly don’t know where to start-

Thank you for being such a sweetheart, and to reach out to me whenever I feel down in the dumps. Hearing you share about different things about your life makes me realize that I’m not alone in this journey, and that I have a comrade (yes, engkau) to reach out to whenever it’s hard to float.

Thank you as well for smacking some sense into me whenever I start to panic. I tend to panic easily but you manage to smack (gracefully and patiently) some sense into me, helping me focus my eyes on the more crucial things in a specific situation.

Lastly, thank you for managing the different projects we have in the design team. Without you, I think I probably drive Elaine up the wall at how much I can’t keep my head cool hahaha….. Er…

ANYWAYS, I hope you enjoy the portrait drawing! P.S. You worship lead got power ok? I get chills every time you lead worship o-o

By Nicole Lian Kim Kim

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

To: Christine Cheah Sim Imm

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

Thank you Meh for being such a wonderful Mother. Even after my biology Mom passed on you still cared for me and always followed up on me and my twin sister and made sure we were okay. Whether i was in Zimbabwe or Malaysia you made time for us and texted us.God bless you and i wish you good health and blessings. May God guide you and bless you and give you peace.

By Charles Gambiza

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Isaiah Tan Xing Wei

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

May you have a wonderful CNY rest. Jen and I want to say that you are doing a fantastic job with the children ministry. May God pour out more into your life . God bless you

By Stephen YY Tan

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

To: Julie Goh Tze-Jing

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

Heya Julie!!! Man… where to start…

Thank you for being one of my closest friends in SJ 1030 and in office :”). I’m never good at making friends, but I’m thankful that you reached out to me and took the time to befriend me even when I’m not the easiest person to deal with. I used to feel like an outcast (especially with my past and with my social anxiety), but you (and different ones too, like JJ and Elaine) made me feel right at home now.

Thank you as well for introducing to me different things in church, like Homes, Acts TV, and even Actspress. Without you, I wouldn’t have the guts to try all of these new things out HAHAHA. But you push me to try these different things out, and to walk by faith even when I have no idea what’s going on.

Lastly, thank you for being one of my biggest source of inspiration, both at work, at church, and at our Homes. I hope you enjoy this portrait illustration, assistant Homes leader! xD

By Nicole Lian Kim Kim

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

To: Eld Dr Jill Ling

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

Thanks Dr Jill for always making sure Homes run well. And for being such a wonderful support in our church plant.

By Jack Ling

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

To: Sudharsun Paul David

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

Keep doing the good work

By Shantel Kudzai Dzinoreva

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Elaine Ling Wei Ching

(Malaysia - Acts Ampang)

Heya Elaine :”D

I have a long list to give thanks to you for, but let me just highlight 3 things. Thank you for being patient with me and for giving me grace whenever I stumble and fall. The last time I stumbled and fell before I became a Christian, I was left alone in the dust. But you constantly push me forward to grow; both as a designer (you’ve encouraged me to teach in Angsana, to open up an art booth for the first time at HeArts Festival, to organized an art therapy workshop at the Community Wellness Fair even when I had 0% experience doing so) and as a new Christian (getting myself up after falling, walking by faith even when the road is scary, being patient and loving to those around me even when it’s hard to).

Thank you as well for guiding me thus far, and for layaning me with my many… interesting questions about the faith. Even when you’re tired after a long day, you still took the time to answer my questions or to even talk to me when I’m in a dark spot.

Lastly, thank you for saying yes to me when I asked if you can be my Huddle leader. I wasn’t sure what I was getting myself into back then, but I knew I needed someone to show me the ropes in how to grow my faith as a Christian. God told me to go to you, even when I asked Him a couple of times on who I should ask to guide me. And, I’m thankful I did.

By Nicole Lian Kim Kim

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

To: Rizamay V Cruz

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

Hi Ate,

Thank you for constantly reaching out to me and reminding me to go to homes and church. At times i'm not able to attend but i really appreciate what you do for being a pillar that provides guidance to me here in Malaysia. I wish you and all of the leaders in CY02 all the best, God bless ate and mabuhay po!

BY Justine Dave Tampoya

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

To: Chan Ee Laine

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

Thanks for being a source of joy and happiness in our homes.. We appreciate you. May His favour be upon you..

By Noah Ochieng’ Otiende

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

To: Celestie Liew Huey Yin

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

Thank you for the encouragement you provide in terms of our walk in faith

To: Loise wanjiru mutua

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

To: Eld Dr Jill Ling

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

Thanks for being a blessing.

By Sesi Okelola

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Rizamay V Cruz

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

Dearest Riza,

Really wanna appreciate you today for all you do for His Kingdom. Declaring God's amazing blessing as you continue to sow faithfully unto Him. Big HUGS! ❤️ Thinking of you and your family.

By Olivia Leong

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

ToMaria Cecelia Teves:

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

Maria you are a good example of a leader

So compassionate and considerate! You are a great teacher that I enjoy growing with. God bless you always

By Miriam Namirembe

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

To: Lithy

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

For always standing with in prayer . Listening to me .

By Nafuna evelyn Dinah

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

To: Pr Jack Ling

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

Spread the joy

By Matheus

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

To: Ching Sue Jyie (Priscilla)

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

Thank you for serving faithfully Gods house.You are such an inspiration

By nina

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

To: Pr Jack Ling

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

Thank you for sowing and leading acts church

By Nina

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

To: Christine Cheah Sim Imm

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

Dearest Christine thank you for having such a big heart and so welcoming when we see you in church. May God cont to use you mightily in 2024 and meet all your needs.

By Jennifer wong

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

texture noise



Love out loud: sending some love to our leaders