
Love out loud: sending some love to our leaders

page 9

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: charlene anita

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

By jasmine ng

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

To: albert ling

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

By rachel ng

(malaysia - acts kota kemuning)

To: stephen kong

(Malaysia - Acts semenyih)

Hey Stephen! Thank you for being so faithful to God with your God given talents and time. Though there are many new things in your new phase of life to cope with, but you show us how God has been graciously leading both you and Swee to continue serve Him and His people. This house is so blessed to have a faithful man like you. Praying that God will continue to reveal to you His way of walking in your current phase, great trials result in great testimonies! Cheering you on!

By lim pei wen

(Malaysia - Acts semenyih)

To: Chanel Supriady (Coco)

(malaysia - acts semenyih)

Yo Hoho, ofcourse I gotta write something here. But I believe you know too much about how much I appreciate and love you already. So, yes, never give up! The Lord sees your hearts and in due time, you will reap the harvest that you have / have not planted. Let’s continue to run towards the finishing line together!

BY lim pei wen

(malaysia - acts semenyih)

By jasmine ng

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

To: winson boey

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Eld Shirley Wong

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

谢谢长老在华语社群这么多年以来一路的艰辛坚持和付出~ 您的每个脚步, 汗滴, 泪水都烙印在我们每个弟兄姐妹的内心深处, 更是我们在服事, 为人, 奉献的美好榜样! 感恩有你 ~ !

By Chia Pek Fann

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

To: albert ling

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

By jasmine ng

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

To: Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts semenyih)

Shook! Besties, you already know how much I appreciate you (muacks). Believing that God is writing an extraordinary story for your life, so fret not, in every chapter there’s His best interest for you. Challenges in your family, ministry and even your personal life, He’ve got you! Remember the story of Joshua? Declaring Romans 8:28 for you!

By lim pei wen

(Malaysia - Acts semenyih)

To: Ada Chong Siew Toh

(malaysia - acts mandarin subang jaya 0800)

老实说 Ada, 在教会这么多年,您的生命见证真的给我很大的鼓励~!让我枯萎的灵再次看到神的信实!也谢谢你在这段时间常常花时间在我妈和阿姨身上 ~ 万分感激!

By chia pek fann

(Malaysia - Acts mandarin subang jaya 0800)

To: Edward Phoon Weng Soon

(malaysia - acts kota kemuning)

By rachel ng

(malaysia - acts kota kemuning)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Teh Ji King (Linus)

(malaysia - acts semenyih)

Hey Linus! Despite of the challenges in PHD, you still are faithful towards God and His people, thanks so much for that. Your love towards God is really encouraging and I know that many have been inspired by your faithfulness. Fighting our flesh is not easy, but I believe God have given you extra grace and will continue to give you even more to fight this battle for His Kingdom. Jia you!!!

By lim pei wen

(malaysia - acts semenyih)

To: dawn chua ren xi

(malaysia - acts mandarin subang jaya 0800)

老实说你在教会的多才多艺真的让我感叹不如哈哈 ~ 上得 stage, 也下得厨房,手语也一级棒!谢谢你在教会的付出,也祷告神会在不同的领域继续祝福你 ~ 加油加油!

By chia pek fann

(malaysia - acts mandarin subang jaya 0800)

To: Edward Phoon Weng Soon

(malaysia - acts kota kemuning)

By jasmine ng

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

To: siew zer bin

(Malaysia - Acts semenyih)

Yo Zerbz! Thanks for taking care of God’s house so faithfully from day one. Your love for God and His people is really inspiring, especially the reverence and hence the obedience at your marketplace. Believing that God will continue to lead you to be the Daniel in your marketplace, His saving grace shall be made known to your colleagues and your family. In due season, you will see the fruit. Cheering you on!

By lim pei wen

(Malaysia - Acts semenyih)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Pr Nikki Hassam

(global - acts london)

Hello Pastor Nikki, I just want to thank you for always being so caring and encouraging to me. I've been struggling with social anxiety and feeling heard for some time but I remember during our Christmas gathering, you asked me particularly about what I've told you in Acts Getaway. and I just felt so loved haha. Even recently when you came to Edinburgh, it feels like though i dont see you much but everytime I do, you will catch up with me on things I told you previous times and I just wanna say i appreciate it alot. It takes away alot of my anxieties as well because I didnt have to overthink on how much I need to explain and wondering if the person wants to listen to my life. Thank you for being so willing to spare time and effort (and money haha) to travel to Edinburgh just to minister to us. You're so strong, pastor, you always inspire me to continue trusting and surrendering to God. The way He moves in your life and your faithfulness despite all the hardships you go through, it truly reflects Christ. I will continually pray for you and your family and I just know that He is working in every season in your life because He is loveee! <3 :)

By Gui Jun Nee

(global - acts edinburgh)

to: celyn yong

(malaysia - acts mandarin subang jaya 0800)

谢谢你在聋哑社群里的牺牲和付出,也常常不厌其烦的提他们翻译,老实说真的不容易,也需要相当的耐性。祷告神能在你生命中不同的领域祝福你,呵护你,保守你!感恩有你 ~!

By chia pek fann

(malaysia - acts mandarin subang jaya 0800)

To: laura leong

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

By jasmine ng

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

To: Chandreshan Ravichandren

(Malaysia - Acts seri kembangan)

Heyy Chan, Just wanna to take a moment to express my gratitude for your (and other YAs too) dedication and willingness in fetching us students to church, Homes and other church activities every week. Thank you for your efforts in ensuring that everyone can attend church service, Homes and prayer meetings no matter the distance. You're also doing a great job as CPC and translator too (it's not easy!). And also Homes leader, and the many other things that you do haha. Your selflessness, commitment and leadership are admirable, and you've been a blessing and made a difference in the lives of those around you. May God bless, strengthen and lead you as you continue serving Him faithfully!

By Euodia Low

(Malaysia - Acts seri kembangan)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Dr Irene Lau

(Malaysia - acts seri Kembangan)

RENE RENE 9053 👀 thank you for always being obedient to God and being sensitive to the Holy Spirit. I know you’ve set a great example to the people around you to be brave and to just do what God has set in our hearts. I remember during YWA Getaway, I felt like the Holy Spirit prompted me to go to you for prayer. I just stood behind the hall because we weren’t close yet hahah but you came and prayed for me. That has always been one of the constant reminders to just do what is prompted in our hearts. Thank you also for always opening your house for Homes, hangouts and for us to stay over. We appreciate and love you!!

By Sophia Sim Yan Yee

(Malaysia - acts Seri Kembangan)

To: Shengmei Cai

(Global - Acts Singapore)


By Cassie Kok

(Global - Acts Singapore)

to: Eunice Cheng (née Tang)

(Malaysia - Acts Kota Kemuning)

By Rachel Ng

(Malaysia - Acts Kota Kemuning)

To: Ivy Wong Su Mei

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

By Celyn Yong

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

To: Lee Ee Wei

(Malaysia - Acts Cheras)

Ee Wei! Thank you serving Jesus so faithfully n not giving up when u have so many reasons to do so. A lot of YWAs have to learn fr people like you!

By John Soong

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: rachel ng

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

By jasmine ng

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

To: laura leong

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

By rachel ng

(malaysia - acts kota kemuning)

To: irene lau

(Malaysia - Acts seri kembangan)

Dear Ireneee, Thank you for being my leader in my discipleship journey. I am grateful for the time and effort you have invested in my personal and spiritual growth. Your encouragement and genuine care have been a source of support in my uni life. I truly appreciate your prayers eg during exam seasons. I'm indeed blessed to have you as my mentor/leader and I pray that you continue to bring joy and be such a blessing to others, such as your heart for children in ActsKids serving! May you be blessed in your walk with God, in your career and in all that you do!

By Euodia Low

(Malaysia - acts seri kembangan)

To: kee gaik tong

(malaysia - acts mandarin subang jaya 0800)

老实说我觉得你越来越厉害,可以弹琴,敬拜,PC 等等的 ~ 真的超棒!也谢谢你在教会里常常给我们带来欢笑哈哈。感恩有你,盼望神的恩典大大的倾倒在你的身上,成为祂美好的器皿!

BY chia pek fann

(malaysia - acts mandarin subang jaya 0800)

By jasmine ng

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

To: olivia koon

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: Tumelo Mmamokgethi Tsele

(global - acts mochudi)

Dearest Tumiey, looking back at old pictures of Desaria & Ki-Park days where we used to serve the Lord together at Homes, growing together in the Lord and doing many crazy things together...🥲 every time I am reminded of these days, I can't thank God for you and how amazingly He has chosen you to plant Acts Botswana. And now we see Acts Botswana celebrating 12 years of helping people believe in Gaborone and Mochudi. Truly our God is a limitless God. He can do it again and again and even more! Continue to look to God, the author and the finisher of our faith. You are amazing because we serve an amazing God!

Much love, Olivia Leong.

By olivia leong

(Malaysia - Acts cyberjaya)

Watercolor marble and glitter gold background

To: joanne wee

(malaysia - acts mandarin subang jaya 0800)

Thanks Joanne for tirelessly serving behind the stage/Acts TV, and running RW01 homes together though mandarin is not really your cup of tea (or coffee) :). And blessed are the Japanese community ~ Thanks for allowing them to experience the love of Acts and Jesus through you (and those serving along side you) :D Gambateh !!

By chia pek fann

(malaysia - acts mandarin subang jaya 0800)

To: elisha lim

(malaysia - acts kota kemuning)

By jasmine ng

(malaysia - acts kota kemuning)

To: loh sern yi

(malaysia - acts kota kemuning)

By rachel ng

(Malaysia - Acts kota kemuning)

To: Pr Letitia Lee

(global - acts singapore)

Dear Ps Let,

Thank you for serving the church so faithfully and always sowing into the ActsKids Ministry and the next generation. Always so dedicated and loving the children! We are truly blessed to have you and I look forward to growing the ministry together with you!


By cassie kok

(global - acts singapore)

texture noise



Love out loud: sending some love to our leaders