
Love out loud: sending some love to our leaders

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To: Cherlyn Ng

(Malaysia - Acts Cheras)

Hi Cheryln! Your zeal for the House ​of God is very inspiring! Thank you ​for faithfully serving the Lord!

By John Soong

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya ​1030)

To: Jessica Chia

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

Thank you for serving faithfully in ​Acts Klang although 2023 has not ​been easy for you & family. But I ​believed God will be with you & ​family in ur journey ahead ❤️. We ​love you ❤️

By Calise

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

To:Deborah Tan Ai Jern

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

By Calise

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

To: Goh Loke Chin (JJ)

(Malaysia - Acts Cheras)

Hi jj! Known you since campus ​years and not many made it till ​this stage, which is ywa + ​faithfully serving. So thank you ​for serving Him n leading ​people! Play more trumpet pls!

BY: John Soong

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya ​1030)

Hi elaine! Thank you for serving ​Jesus so faithfully in Acts Cheras! ​Could see how much support you ​gave despite of all the challenges ​at work you face. You are such an ​inspiration to MANY YWAS out ​there!

BY: John Soong

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya ​1030)

To: Elaine Pong

(Malaysia - Acts Cheras)

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To: Lee Ee Wei

Malaysia - Acts Cheras)

Ee Wei! Thank you serving Jesus so ​faithfully n not giving up when u ​have so many reasons to do so. A ​lot of YWAs have to learn fr people ​like you!

By John Soong

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya ​1030)

To: Nam-Zhye Lakthong (Nicholas)

(Malaysia - Acts Cheras

Nic! Thank you for serving ​Jesus so faithfully! The road ​is tough but by the grace of ​the Lord, you made it this ​far! Keep being faithful n ​the Lord see all your heart ​work!

By John Soong

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

To: Alison Seow

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

Thank you for being a caring leader ​& being there for others when they ​need the most ❤️❤️❤️.

By Calise

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

To: Angie Lee

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

Thank you for being an ​accommodating & understanding ​homes leader.

By Calise

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

To: Ong Chye Hong

(Malaysia - Acts Cheras)

Rainbow che! Thank you for ​serving Jesus so faithfully! The kids ​are so blessed to hv you as their ​teacher!

By John Soong

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya ​1030)

To: Pr Gloria Paul

(Malaysia - Acts Cheras)

Hi Pr Gloria! Thank you ​for being so faithfully ​serving God even when ​times are tough n when ​your people are going ​crazy! Cheering you on!

By John Soong

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya ​1030)

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To: Jeremy Khoo

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang ​Jaya 0800)

Dear Jeremy

Thank you for leading by ​example in Acts Kids. You are ​always ready to render your ​support and help whenever we ​need it.

Thank you for listening and ​spending time with Yu Ze. It ​touches me deeply when I saw ​you listening attentively to him ​and taking his questions ​seriously. 谢谢你的耐心和陪伴。

May the Lord bless you always.

By Chua Soo Wah

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang ​Jaya 0800)

To: Joanne Law

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

Thank you for being such a ​patience leader ❤️❤️❤️

By Calise

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

To: Laura Yee

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

Thank you for serving wholeheartedly for ​Acts Klang ❤️❤️❤️.

By Calise

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

To: Rachelle Wong

(Malaysia - Acts Kota Kemuning)

Hi Rachelle, just wanted to send ​some appreciation to you. Thank ​you so much for everything. Love ​youuu!

By Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

To: Razel Tan

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang ​Jaya 0800)

Dear Razel

Thank you so much for your warmest ​smiles every time we meet. I want ​especially thank you for always being ​there for me during one of my lowest ​point in life. Your prayers always come ​when I needed them most. I am so ​grateful for a leader like you.

Thank you and love you.



(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang ​Jaya 0800)

To: Laura Yee & Pr Julian Saw

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

Thank you both for being awesome ​Home leaders!!! Thank you for being a ​blessing and being shining examples. ​We love you guys <3

By Deborah Tan

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

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To: Eld Shirley Wong

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin ​Subang Jaya 0800)

Dear Elder Shirley

Thank you for always setting the ​best example of a good leader. I ​admire your cheerfulness and ​bravery in speaking out the not ​so nice to hear advices. It’s those ​words, that I get to grow in ​Christ.

I am grateful that be it in the ​church or at Homes, you always ​encourage us to be ourselves ​and allow differences. Thank you ​for looking after and praying for ​my family and me.

Love you 🥰


(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin ​Subang Jaya 0800)

To: Teacher Valerie, Teacher ​Joyce and Teacher Shareen

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

Thank you for being awesome acts ​kids teachers! Thank for teaching ​about God. Thank you teachers

By Mikaela Loo

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

To: Jason Martin & Jessica Chia

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

Thank you Jason and Jess for being the best ​Mr. CPC and Mrs. CPS of Klang! God bless you ​for the awesome work that you are doing and ​for the sacrifices that you have made. We are ​blessed to have you both lead this church ​plant and let's continue to grow for the Lord!

By Deborah Tan

(Malaysia - Acts Klang)

To: David Loo

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang ​Jaya 0800)





(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang ​Jaya 0800)

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To: Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts Kota ​Kemuning)

FISH COOKIES, thank you for all your sowing into ASY! You slayyy. Campus ministry is rocking now and you know your contribution is thank-God-for-Shook kinda level. I’m on the NEXT LEVEL!!! Oh my do I have ADHD… anyway, really thankful and grateful that I have a friend like you in ministry. Continue trusting God like you always did! He’ll provide ;)

By Au Wei Jian

(Malaysia - Acts Kota Kemuning)

To: Lim Wei Jye (Maggie)

(Malaysia - Acts Nilai)

MAGGIEEEEE, THANK YOU! ​wanna appreciate you for ​everything you are doing for Acts ​Nilai and for His Kingdom. You ​are truly amazing!

By Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

To: Pr Daniel Chong

(Malaysia - Acts Kota Kemuning)

Dear Pr Dan, thank you for being ​such an awesome teens pastor. ​Although it has been hard, God ​is real and heaven rules! Thanks ​for all the sacrifices and ​everything you have put in our ​teens and youth ministry. It's a ​big calling but we have a BIG ​God!!

By Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

To: Pr Sandra Chin

(Malaysia - Acts Kota Kemuning)

Dear Pr Sandra, thank you so ​so much for being our spiritual ​mother. For the prayers, for the ​encouragements, for the ​sacrifices and so much more. I ​can't thank you enough for ​everything but I'm so amazed ​that although we are such a ​big church, you can still ​remember my name, ​remember where I am and so ​much more. The lives that you ​have touched, including mine, ​have been a blessing and I ​can't thank you enough for ​everything. Sending you much ​love from the land of ​Semenyih!

By Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

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To: Pr Kenneth Chin

(Malaysia - Acts Kota Kemuning)

Dear Pr Kenneth, I know a Thank You is not enough for everything that you have done for us. I came to Acts 8 years ago and I came here thinking that I would only go for church and that's all. But 1 semester later, I started serving, started to root down and 2 years later, became a leader. Until now, the journey that I have been on, I realised the importance of having a good community and a Godly church. my own parents and the many parents of the students we have discipled throughout the years have said that Acts is a church that God has used mightily to change their lives.

I have heard stories of parents ​being surprised about how their ​child wants to take public ​transport to travel to Prayer Service ​for long hours and even when the ​parents say no, the child will ​explain in love why it is important ​to put God first. Parents sending ​their youngest child to the same ​university because they have seen ​how the older sibling has been. My ​own dad told me that he can see ​the love that the people in Acts ​have for me. I know as a leader, it ​has not been easy for me but I cant ​imagine even more for all our ​leaders above us. The sacrifices, the ​prayers, the tears and I wanna say ​thank you on behalf of all the ​parents I have met, all the students ​that we have discipled and from ​the bottom of my heart.

By Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

To: Ng Sze Jiun

(Malaysia - Acts Nilai)

Hiii! Wanna appreciate you for ​everything you are doing for ​Acts Nilai and for His Kingdom. ​God bless youuu (and your back ​lol)

By Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

Hiii Rachel, my favourite dancer of all ​time hehe. Just wanted to appreciate ​you for being who you are and for ​everything you do. You are truly an ​inspiration and you really light up every ​single room you come into. Thank you ​for everything and looking forward to ​dancing this Sunday

By Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

To: Rachel Ann Thong

(Malaysia - Acts Kota Kemuning)

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To: Pr Janaronson Nagarajah

(Malaysia - Acts Nilai)

Hi Pr, wanna thank you for everything you have done and are doing for Acts Nilai and His Kingdom sake. Really appreciate everything! Jia you!

By Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

To: Wesley & Dawn

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama

Thank you Wesley, Dawn ​for opening up your homes ​and sharing your life with ​us. Myself, I look up to you ​guys and see the possibility ​of what a young family can ​be while serving His house ​😃

By Adrian Sibuan

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

To: Crystal Ling Xiu Bin

(Malaysia - Acts Nilai)

HIII Crystal. I just wanna say ​Wow. Thank you for everything ​you have done for our campus ​ministry. Your humility and ​your faithfulness are truly ​inspiring. I really really thank ​God for you because of your ​obedience, not only Nilai but ​the whole Malaysia is being ​impacted today. We can never ​know where we are ultimately ​gonna be at but as we take one ​step of obedience and faith and ​then the next, God really moves ​in such a powerful way. Thank ​you so so much. Sending you ​lots of love!

By Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

To: Samuel Yang Kai Ern

(Global - Acts London)

By Pr Dave Yeow

(Global - Acts London)

To: Pr Alvin Keng

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

Thank you for spending time and ​sowing into my life. Its definitely ​not easy to juggle between work, ​family, huddle, finance & now ​health! Let's continue to walk this ​journey alongside and see the next ​generation carry the flag 😃

By Adrian Sibuan

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

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To: Pr Yvonne Chong

(Malaysia - Acts Nilai)

Hi Pr, wanna appreciate you for ​everything you have done for ​Acts Nilai, for Acts Church, ​campus ministry and for His ​Kingdom. I'm really inspired by ​what you do and I think i need to ​have a 1 week retreat with you to ​download so much from you. ​You have given me the courage ​to break into new grounds and ​to even lead with prayer. If Acts ​Semenyih is where it is right ​now, it's because of your sowing ​also! Thank you for being soooo ​kind and generous to me as well, ​for taking the time to celebrate ​my birthday and for looking after ​me. Love youu!

By Shekinah Dalayya

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

To: Aaron Kumar

(Global - Acts Singapore)

I am grateful to have Aaron, an exceptional leader who mentors me in serving within Homes through chairing, communion, and engaging with newcomers and fellowship. It's inspiring to witness his dedicated care for each homie and his consistent follow-up with them. His actions not only demonstrate leadership with a compassionate and beautiful heart but also reflect a deep commitment to serving the Lord through every act of guidance and support.

BY Max Tan

(Global - Acts Singapore)

To: Pr John Lim

(Global- Acts singapore)

I am deeply grateful for Pastor ​John's guidance through my ​pre-courtship journey, which ​laid a solid foundation for my ​relationship. His dedication and ​wisdom have been invaluable. ​Additionally, witnessing his ​faithful service to God in the ​Acts Singapore church plant has ​been an enriching and inspiring ​experience. His commitment ​serves as a powerful ​encouragement, reminding me ​of the impact one can make for ​God through steadfast faith and ​service.

BY Max Tan

(Global - Acts Singapore)

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Love out loud: sending some love to our leaders