
Love out loud: sending some love to our leaders

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To: Pr Kenneth Chin

(Malaysia - Acts Kota Kemuning)

Dear Pr Kenneth, thank you so much for all your sermons! I have learned so much from you and found my purpose in living for and serving God and others again. So very blessed by your life and testimony. You are an amazing preacher of God's truth and love the way you bring it out - so clear and easy to understand. My niece especially enjoys your humor😄, yes you can really make it so funny and interesting! Truly appreciate you. May God propel you to greater heights with Him and may you see the reward of all your labor for Him. ‭‭Isaiah 54:2-3 NKJV‬‬ [2] “Enlarge the place of your tent, And let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; Do not spare; Lengthen your cords, And strengthen your stakes. [3] For you shall expand to the right and to the left, And your descendants will inherit the nations, And make the desolate cities inhabited. Supporting you and the work He has called you to do, till everyone knows, Joey

By Joey Chew

(Malaysia - Acts Nilai)

To: Ngoo Yi Xue

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

Heyyo YX, mcm got so much to say but don't know where to start hahaha

Just truly blessed by your presence in 8AM, not just in the position of leaders, but also as a friend who I can share the good and bad times in life, and to encourage/receive encouragement when needed!

接下来的一年里,继续多多指教!一起珍惜当下吧!俗语说:且行且珍惜 hahahhaa

and please, I want to start eye-ing potential partner for you aldy, you open your eyes and heart big big kay

By Caitlyn Chang Yen Ming

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

To: Pr Yvonne Chong

(Malaysia - Acts Nilai)

Pr Yvonne, I'd like to thank you and also honour you for all the time/energy/effort/resources etc etc that you pour out for us here in Nilai 😊.

Many times you have gone out of your way just to be present whenever needed. You have also encouraged me with anointed words of knowledge during this season that I'm going through.

I have been really blessed and uplifted through this. Really really really appreciate you! God's richest blessings be upon you, your family and ministry! 😃

BY: Sunitha Arthur

(Malaysia - Acts Nilai)

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To: Pr Alvin Keng

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

Dear Pr Alvin, I just wanted to appreciate you for sowing into my life for the past 10 years. Thank you for accepting and being my huddle leader, even with the cultural differences, you have really made my stay in Malaysia worthwhile. From encouraging me to serve in Acts Kids when I thought I couldnt do it to finding my job here because you agreed for me to leave my phone here so that my company could call and give the results of my interview. The trips you made from Kota Kemuning to Kota Damansara for out hangouts and also the prayers and advice along the way have been priceless and have contributed to where I am now.

If you ever feel like you havent done much, I would say look at this life that you sowed into and how far along I have come. From skipping Sunday services to skipping paying tithes to now being able to honor God all my Sundays and through my finances and this was through the wisdom and care you have shown. Much love Pr Alvin, may God continue to lead you and grant you favor and good health. God bless ❤️❤️❤️❤️

By Daniel Ngwenya

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

To: Eld Shirley Wong

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

Hey elder, I can’t thank you enough for all that you have done for God and His House. Also, 谢谢你为华人社群所付出的一切。你对神呼召的顺服,去带领华人社群更加认识神,真的很令人敬佩,也是我顺服,不惧怕且要刚强壮胆的榜样。我祈祷并宣告在未来的每一天里,你与神的连接和对耶稣的爱都会像初信之时那么单纯,那么火热,喜乐满溢。还有祂也会大大地祝福你的婚姻! 最后最后,如果长老你愿意让我试试看,我随时准备好帮忙为敬拜赞美诗歌做华文翻译哟,我们且看神如何带领吧~ !神祝福你,爱你~!

By Lim Pei Wen

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

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To: Timothy Kwan Joon Ming

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

Dear Tim What an amazing brother in Christ you are, a man of not so many words and quite the opposite of my noisy and extroverted nature. Nonetheless you are always leading by example really show how to love like Christ does, you are kind and are always willing to go out of your way to help. Blessed by your humility and submission when you lead worship its never about the show but about honoring God. Greatful to have such a brother who is always putting God is all his dealings. God bless you brother, much love.

By Daniel Ngwenya

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

To: Teh Ji King (Linus)

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

Hi Linus! My kouhai is now a leader and a phd student! Wowww I'm so proud! How have u been? All is good i hope? Anyways just wanna say thanks for stepping up and now being a leader for the students there like how our leaders did (and are still doing) for us back then. 加油!

By Cindy Phan

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

To: Chia Pek Fann

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

Thank you always being faithful serving be in Acts Mandarin, YWA, Actspresso etc 😊I always appreciate that you have the gift of coordinating and initiating outing! Keep up the good work 👏 🙌 😃

By Adrian Sibuan

(Malaysia - Acts Bandar Utama)

To: Juliana Jong Li Hua

(Malaysia - Acts Seri Kembangan)

Hey Jul Jong XD Wanna say thank you for. being such a great work partner, friends, ministry partner and more! thank you for always layan-ing me and giving suggestions when I need it!

Loving your spirit on how you continuously care and be so daring in voicing out your thoughts, yet at the same time still remain the rational part of yours! you so good lah, kaban! jiayouss!

By Caitlyn Chang Yen Ming

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

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To: Pr Sandra Chin

(Malaysia - Acts Kota Kemuning)

Dear Pr Sandra Thank you for being the best Mama that Acts Church could ever have, your passion for God and His people is really inspiring. Super amazed how you can remember all our names and at times the things we are involved in even though we dont have much interactions. Thank you for caring and tending to us your flock, you are truly a great example of really loving the Lord with all we have. Thank you for ever being gracious to all regardless of the circumstances. Really grateful how you empower all the young people such as me, and trust us to lead others as well. Thank you Mama for always loving us, greeting us with your smiles and the excitement to be in God' house No matter where I go, whether back home in Zimbabwe or elsewhere the impact you have had in my life will continue to be an amazing foundation that will always be remembered. Thank you for never giving up regardless of the trials, its exemplary for us that so we also dont give up. We love you Mama Acts always ❤️❤️❤️❤️

By Daniel Ngwenya

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

To: Tan Yean Yu

(Malaysia - Acts Nilai)

哈咯 YY!想要在这里跟你说声 - xxnwdhmm (can find me to interpret if you don’t get it HHAAHHA) 😂 真的很感谢神派遣你来我的生命里,一起服事、工作、吃喝玩乐、干大事小事,还有做一些冲动的事情 hahaha 接下来的日子里 请继续多多指教 不管以后会在哪里 一定一定要继续保持联系

P.S. 尤其是给我找huddle papa的时候啊 😏

By Caitlyn Chang Yen Ming

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

To: Kok Li Theen

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

Dear Li Theen, Thank you so much for your heart for our homes and for the homies. Thank you for always leading by examples in your conduct and speech, have learnt so much from how you prepare and care for each details about homes and also how you care for all the homies. Your willingness to even come out of your comfort zone and being accomodating to some of the things that might not be your norm to do. Praying for God' continued overflow of His Wisdom, Grace and Favor as you lead us and have FUN with it as well. Much love for you homes leader

By Daniel Ngwenya

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

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To: Katherine Salcedo

(Malaysia - Acts Cyberjaya)

Dear Kathy, A bit of a late appreciation, but thank you so much for leading homes with me during the pandemic season. Though the season was difficult for many, but you remained faithful and committed to leading homes with me. You lead by example in your actions and words, you cooked amazing homes meal for us always and were so prayerful. Really glad, you were in PJ for that season. Rooting for you as you continue to lead in Cyberjaya. God' best for you and your family always God bless.

By Daniel Ngwenya

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

To: Pr Janaronson Nagarajah

(Malaysia - Acts Nilai)

By Elisha Yeoh Li Shin

(Malaysia - Acts Nilai)

To: Pr Daniel Chong

(Malaysia - Acts Kota Kemuning)

Hi Pr Dan, when I first got to guess that you'll be coming into FT ministry from Pr K's IG, I'm like WOW-ed! (imagine the expression hahaha) after hearing your stories on how you got in here, I know it can only be God moving. Thank you for being obedient in faithful to your calling, I know that the teens are now and will always be in good hands when they're cared by someone who truly has the heart for them (Despite sometimes you just don't know what's going on in their mind and you may get slightly frustrated hahaha) Cheering you and Rachelle on, Pr Dan! He is and will always be in control ;D

By Caitlyn Chang Yen Ming

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

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To: Joanne Wee

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

Joanneeeeee, wanna say thank you for always being the steady factor for ActsTV (feel it so much when I'm the PC who check the slides) loving your gentle and steady spirit, and now even stepping up to be the acting coordinator of JF! Awww have already missed your presence now even before you go back to S'wak!

By Caitlyn Chang Yen Ming

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

To: Kok Jia Wern

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

Thank you for being the Acts Kids team leader. Despite all the changes that came, you were someone that remained unwavered (at least for me) and continue to push the team to give the best for the children without neglecting our health.

By Priscilla Lau

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

To: Pr Sandra Chin

(Malaysia - Acts Kota Kemuning)

Hi Pr San, wanna say thank you for all that you've done for all of us! Thank you for sacrificing your sleepless nights, your time, your energy, your thoughts, your finance and many more to make sure that we all are in good hands!

Thank you for loving us like a mom far away from home! I pray that God will bless you abundantly with all that you need - a healthy body, mind and spirit and MORE! and fulfil your heart's desire at all times! Love you, Pr San!

By Caitlyn Chang Yen Ming

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

To: Foong You Sheng

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

Dear You Sheng,

Thank you for your care and always checking to see if I need anything. Its been an awesome journey serving in homes together and in Acts PJ. You have really done an amazing Job serving as the YWA rep for PJ as well. The book reading has really got YWA super excited to hangout and build connections. Thank you for being faithful, consistent and always open to help up in all circumstances.

Blessed by you always brother, God bless you.

By Daniel Ngwenya

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

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To: Au Wei Jian

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

Helloooo my fellow ISFJ! How have u been? All is good i hope? Anyways just wanna say thanks for all that u've done and are still doing for our little community in Semenyih. I'm not there right now but I'm sure u're doing a great job! So, thanks for all the thoughts, hardwork and dedication u put to sow into the lives of the students there. Most of all, I think thank you for giving them your time. So so blessed to have u as a leader and a friend. In fact, Gaby once told me about how much fun u're to be around LOL. We should all hang out together sometime! Aiya u used to be in UV with flo n gaby all the timeeee. Anyways I'll let u know if I'm back in Malaysia so we can catch up. Hope to see u soon!

By Cindy Phan

(Malaysia - Acts Semenyih)

To: Ada Chong Siew Toh

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

By Melissa Woong

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

To: Pr Dave Yeow

(Global - Acts London)

By Soon Tau

(Global - Acts London)

To: Albert Ling

(Malaysia - Acts Kota Kemuning)

Hey hey Albert, wanna say thank you for always giving your best when you have the capacity to do so! definitely not easy to cope with work, ministry and family at the same time, but kudos to you for handling it with your best still! cheering you on as you continue to lift the 'weight' up and down physically, mentally and spiritually!

By Caitlyn Chang Yen Ming

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

To: Nicolas Ng Wai Hoong

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

Hey Nic, wanna say thank you for the conversations we had and your willing heart to serve and growing in Him! Believing that you're the teens' inspiration as you continue to be used by God in doing His work!

By Caitlyn Chang Yen Ming

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

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To: Henry Heng

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

Thank you for being a great Homes leader. Despite business from work and now, a newborn baby, you still continue to provide laughter and fun to the Homes. You are also attentive to listen to our problems and generously give advice to us in houses, relationships etc. Thank you!

By Priscilla Lau

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

To: Pr John Soong

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

heyyo Pr John, always inspired by your willing hearts and going all out for the people you're caring for! cheering you on as you continue to sow into the students and the ground!

By Caitlyn Chang Yen Ming

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

To: Jeremy Khoo

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

By Jestna Lim

(Malaysia - Acts Mandarin Subang Jaya 0800)

To: Lin Jia Seng (Toby)

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

Yo Toby! Just wanted to say thank you for having so much patience towards me and Toby. You really are such a great friend to hang out with. Always there to teach us new things and bring us to new places to have fun. You really helped us a lot in settling and adapting to Malaysia more comfortably! We owe you a lot! Once again thank you for taking care of us brother!

By Timothy Clark Li Chung

(Malaysia - Acts Subang Jaya 1030)

To: Adeline Lim

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

You have always been like a mother to me; always checking on me from time to time, always ready to answer questions that I have, always welcoming and helping people, and always supporting the church behind the scenes for all of us to have a good service experience. Thank you!

By Priscilla Lau

(Malaysia - Acts PJ)

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Love out loud: sending some love to our leaders